Communication Modalities in Health Care Facilities


Technology has contributed to immense improvement in almost all areas including the health care sector. Communication is important in this sector because it provides a platform for interaction between health care providers, patients, and their families. In addition, it ensures patients understand their problems and measures that will be taken to manage them. Health care facilities must have efficient and reliable communication channels to ensure information is passed to relevant authorities without delay (Holtzhausen 2013). This paper explores the impacts of email communication in transforming the provision of quality health care services.

Email Communication

Email communication is the use of electronic letters to send or receive messages. Modern technology has enabled people to develop faster means of communication and this has improved efficiency in their places of work (Apker 2011). Email communication can be used in health care facilities to ensure patients and physicians keep in touch during and after treatment. The introduction of computers and the internet in almost all regions of the world makes this mode of communication cheap and reliable. Therefore, health care stakeholders should use it if they want to improve the quality of their services (Schiavo 2007).

Benefit to Patients

Email communication is important to patients compared to other modes because it can be accessed from any location in the world. This means that doctors can send information to patients and be sure that they have received it regardless of the distance between them; therefore, patients may be residing in Asia yet communicate with doctors in the United States using emails (Holtzhausen 2013). Patients do not have to move to specific locations to receive or send emails because this service is available on various devices that support internet communication. Therefore, it is very convenient for patients because it connects them to doctors without affecting their daily routines.

Patient Confidentiality

The Hippocratic Oath of health practitioners demands that they uphold the highest level of confidentiality of patients’ information. Modern health care facilities use improved technologies to collect and store confidential information that is used to diagnose, treat and advise patients (Apker 2011). Email communication is a safe way of ensuring that patients’ information is protected from unauthorized access. It is necessary to explain that most health care facilities use this mode of communication because they are sure patients cannot share their email passwords with other people (Schiavo 2007). For instance, laboratory test results can be emailed to patients and this means that nobody will access this information unless the person has the password to the account.

The importance between Consumers and Providers

Email communication is an effective means of communication between consumers and service providers because it ensures patients and physicians keep in touch when there is the need to do so. Patients should be updated on changes that are important in their health care routine and thus this highlights the need to be in constant contact with their doctors. It is important to explain that doctors must know how their patients are coping with various medical conditions and be informed about their developments (Holtzhausen 2013). Email communication ensures patients and doctors keep in touch without necessarily traveling to health care facilities and homes respectively. For instance, patients can inform their doctors about how they feel after taking drugs and thus get information about the need for a proper diet, rest, or other issues that will ensure the medication performs its role effectively.


This mode of communication differs from others in various ways. First, it is faster compared to letters and this ensures patients and doctors get immediate feedback. Patients or doctors receive their email messages within a few seconds after being sent regardless of their geographical location and distance, while letters take too long before they are received and this may affect the quality of services offered by health care practitioners (Apker 2011). In addition, the sender is sure that the message has been delivered to the right person and that it will be read. Phone calls and letters may not get to the right recipient because of unavoidable circumstances. Other methods of communication do not assure senders that their recipients will get their messages. Moreover, email communication does not require the sender and recipient to be connected to the internet at the same time (Schiavo 2007). Therefore, messages are delivered to their recipients even when they are not online. Telephone calls require the sender and recipient to be online at the same time so that they can share information. However, an email can be sent any time of day and it will be delivered to its recipient whether the person is connected to the internet or not. Lastly, email communication is reliable because the information received or sent from patients to doctors or vise versa is stored in the internet database; therefore, it can be accessed from any computer in any location in the world. Moreover, it is easy to review and confirm the information received before taking any step and this helps in ensuring doctors and patients have the right data before doing anything (Schiavo 2007).

Media and Social Networking in Health Care

The media plays an important role in informing the public about changes in health care provision. In addition, social networking offers a platform that allows health care providers to share information about disease management and training in various issues that affect their work (Holtzhausen 2013). Ed Bennett provided social networking list that shows how different states in America use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Blog, and 4Square to share ideas with patients and other health care service providers (Apker 2011). The media and social networking ensure information is delivered to the public or health practitioners within a short time. In addition, these avenues provide wide coverage and thus a lot of people will get information from health care departments. Letters and telephone calls cannot reach many people within a short time compared to social network sites. Lastly, local and national authorities will be informed about disease outbreaks within a short time when people use social sites to communicate.

Marketing Health Care Using Email Communication

Email communication can be used to distribute health information and advisories to nurses and doctors to ensure they are aware of what is happening in their profession. Besides, it is used to announce workshops, clinics, and certifications to enable patients to get quality services from qualified facilities and service providers. In addition, it is an important way of reminding patients and following up with their clinics to ensure they do not forget their routines.


Email communication is an effective way of sharing information among health service providers and between them and patients. It is reliable, confidential, accurate, and available in most nations. It is used to make follow-ups, inform patients, and advertise new services offered by health care facilities. Social media is an important platform that enables health service providers to share information with the public which helps in disease management and prevention.


Apker, J. (2011). Communication in Health Organizations. Cambridge: Polity. Holtzhausen, D. (2013). Public Relations as Activism. London: Routledge.

Schiavo, R. (2007). Health Communication: From Theory to Practice. California: Jossey-Bass.

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