Comparison Between Individual Approach and Group Therapy


The term chemical dependency refers to a psychological and physiological process that entails the use of alcohol and other drugs in order to achieve the desired effect and feeling. Patients with chemical dependency exhibit such symptoms as addiction whereby the need for the drug re-use does not go away even if there use causes side effects. Chemical dependency is largely influenced by genetic, psychosocial and environmental factors (Carroll, 2000).

The disease is progressive in nature and sometimes it can lead to death. Chemical dependency can be managed through behavioral therapy whereby a patient is counseled with the intention of ending this condition. Behavioral therapy can be either individualized or undertaken in a group. This research gives the benefits as well as shortcomings of individualized and group therapy about treatment of chemical dependency. The preferred method of treating this condition will also be given.

Individual approach

Individual therapy involves concentration of one individual at a time for the management chemical dependency. In individual approach, one psychotherapist meets with a client for a specified period within a given timeframe whereby the therapists counsels the patient with the intention of changing his behavior (Carroll, 2000). Patients have the therapist’s full attention during the session.

Confidentiality is highly emphasized in the individualized model thereby helping the patient feel more secure and safe. The individual format is helpful as a patient engages in multiple sessions and is therefore able to identify key issues that are likely to be the cause of chemical dependency. This evaluation may not occur in group therapy (Carroll, 2000).

Patients who are reserved and self-centered benefit highly from individualized therapy because of confidentiality. Additionally, individualized treatment is also preferred as the therapist is able to fully concentrate on a particular patient’s problems and address them in totality unlike in group therapy where individual problems may fail to be addressed fully.

Group therapy

Group therapy refers to using a group of people with or without similar medical presentation in the treatment of particular illnesses. Group therapy also is a support group where individuals with similar medical condition come together and share their experiences and challenges with the disease process (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008). In group therapy, the therapist can also include individuals who have already gone through the same problem to act like a source for inspiration for the starters. In the use of group therapy, the therapist hopes to instill in the patients the fact that human beings social and should therefore be collectively involved in devising solutions to problems that they confront (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008).

The fact that patients discover there are several people suffering from a particular condition makes it easy for them to embrace the condition and devise solutions amicably. This makes group therapy in drug and chemical dependency a strong and powerful therapeutic tool (Engs, 1990). The group therapy lays its focus on peer support. Discussion group and exchange of ideas from peers, social skills and reduction of feeling of isolation and gives hope to participants.

Additionally, group therapy offers a psycho- education, cognitive behavior modification to patients. Such strategies aid in the modification of one’s behavior and equip the patient with knowledge that helps the patient embrace a better lifestyle free from chemical dependency (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008). Group therapies encompass various mechanisms with the intention of developing the patient’s skills. For instance, skills development groups work to develop the skills that are necessary for the individual to break off the bonds of addictions (Bestha & Madaan, 2006). Cognitive behavioral groups assist a patient change the thinking pattern in order to achieve ways to stop addictions (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008).

Group therapy also makes it possible for patients to join support groups where they are motivated to stop the addictions from individuals who were earlier on involved in the vice. Psychotherapy groups are also incorporated in group therapy with the intention of molding a patient’s approach to life. These groups assist a patient to rethink about their pastas well as on the future after rehabilitation. It enables them think of the past and events that lead to addiction.

Group therapy enables patients to give their personal submission on how to go about with life challenges through provision of positive support as well as pressure. According to Capuzzi & Staufer (2008), group therapy, from the very beginning, elicits a commitment by all the group members to attend and to recognize that failure to attend, to be on time, and to treat group time as special disappoints the group and reduces its effectiveness.

Group therapy ends the sense of isolation that people with substance abuse tend to have. This makes an individual feel he is not the only one, this will aid quick recovery and enhances the feeling of security and enables the individuals to open up and share their challenges. It enables individuals to learn on how to cope with their problems through experiences of other people (Bestha & Madaan, 2006).

They see other go over it while in the rehabilitation center hence giving them hope. In group therapy there is room for feedback thus the therapist is able to modify faulty concepts as well as assess the level of recovery of an individual (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008). Groups also help one another to sharpen social skills that individual needs in coping with the challenges of life.

According to Bestha & Madaan, (2006) groups can confront an individual who reverts to drug abuse, especially because of the common bond that has already been established between the group members. From group work, a single treatment provides solution to almost all members and the society at large (Capuzzi & Staufer, 2008). For instance, treatment of five individuals will make five people who will talk against the problem out in the community unlike the individual approach. It is also a source of hope because if an individual has seen many people go through the process, he also develops energy and inspiration to keep him fighting.


Individualized and group therapies achieve different responses during the treatment of chemical therapy. However, group therapy has more advantages in the management of chemical dependency especially because patients understand other people are struggling with the condition and want to end the dependency (Bestha & Madaan, 2006). Management by individualized therapy results to patients experiencing sense of insecurity, loneliness, and the feeling of being unwanted and may therefore not fully cooperate with the therapist. Group therapy helps fasten the recovery of the patients from the rehabilitation center as compared to individual therapy since it encourages socialization and sharing problems.


Bestha, D. & Madaan, S. (2006). Textbook of Psychiatry/Psychotherapy for Medical Students New York, U.S.A: Sage publishers.

Capuzzi, D. & Staufer, M. (2008). Foundations of Addictions counseling. New York, U.S.A: Foundations of Addictions Counseling.

Carroll, K. (2000). A Cognitive-behavioral approach: Treating cocaine addiction. London, UK: National Institutes of Health.

Engs, R. (1990). Controversies in the Addiction’s Field. New York, U.S.A: Kendall Hunt Pub. Company.

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