Confucianism as Ethical-Philosophical Doctrine

Confucianism is an ethical-philosophical doctrine that became widespread in the countries of the Asian region. The main issues are the relationship between rulers and subjects, moral qualities, and virtue as obligatory character traits for all people. The teachings of Confucius have developed as one of the greatest because they include historical, poetic, governmental, and many other points. Smith calls it “a one-man university” (2009, 156), indicating the plurality of the teachings and their significance. In a subchapter on Confucius’ responses, he suggests that love and adherence to tradition are part of the perception of the world within Chinese civilization. Arguably, the grandeur of routine, vitality, and nature have become central concepts in Confucianism. Concepts are revealed: Jen – the ideal relationship between people, Chun tzu – the term of relationship, Li – propriety and pride, Te – powe the man ruled, Wen – the arts of peace. Smith wonders whether Confucianism is a religion or an ethic and concludes that the difficulty in defining it is based on humanism (2009). Finally, when discussing the impact on China, it is worth noting the breadth of prevalence that has led to the greatness and power of society’s perception.


Smith, H. (2009). Confucianism. In The world’s religions. HarperOne (pp. 157-196).

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