Construction Safety and Its Importance

The article entitled “Why Construction Safety is Important” discusses construction safety and its impact on overall costs of the construction project. The article states that safety is essential for the owner and for the contractor as well and these are their collaborative efforts that finally determine how safe and cost-effective the erection of a building is. By making sure that the contractor follows the required steps such as pre-project and pre-task planning, setting safety goals, and engaging into claims management programs, the owner reduces his or her risks.

While most of the safety programs are mandated by law, those owners who seek to reduce construction costs must see to it that the contractor implements safety programs aimed at employee protection. It is much cheaper to prevent workers’ injuries than bear the costs of dealing with their consequences, therefore “if the contractor has a great workers’ compensation safety record, the firm is more efficient in reducing risks” (Emmons, 2006, p. 61). The owner’s risks are controlled through a number of steps all of which allow to make the construction less costly.

First of all, the proposed construction steps in terms of costs, workforce, engineering, and design must be discussed at the planning stage. It is better when the owner takes an active part in the discussion so that the contractor is motivated to finish the project in due time and on budget. Secondly, safety goals must be established and people should be designated to respond for safety issues. Usually, contractors develop a safety culture that involves all the employees, making safety an essential element of employment. Thirdly, a safety program with written specifications of all the details must be elaborated. Finally, safety training programs for the employees must be put in place.

Once the above-mentioned measures are implemented, the owner may rest assured that the company he or she chose for the construction project has a high regard for safety. High safety culture allows reducing the number of accidents, preventing lawsuits, and making sure that the project is more cost-effective. I believe that construction safety is important because working together, the owner and the contractor secure high quality of work and enhance the general well-being of employees as well as the community.


Emmons, J. (2006). Why Construction Safety is Important. Facilities Manager Magazine, 60-64.

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