Consumption of Carbs and Healthy Diets


Healthy diets are considered the backbone of well-being among individuals, although there are various ideologies regarding what entails nutritious food. Goldstein (1998) asserts that carbohydrates have the problem of being soluble in adipose and make people fat as opposed to the common notion that meat makes people fat. Likewise, (n.d.) contends that carbohydrates contain unhealthy fat content which can enhance ill-health and weight gain. Essentially, the two papers all indicate that high consumption of carbs has negative implications on the health of an individual. However, there is more to being healthy than just managing the intake of carbs per meal.


One of the major determinants of healthy living is a consistently balanced diet, which includes carbs, proteins, vitamins, and microelements provided in salts and other products. Although it is important to monitor the portion of each nutrient consumed, focusing on one item may not be beneficial in the end. Goldstein’s assertion on the deficiency approach is indeed practical in striving to stay fit. There is a need to understand how each of the food components works in the body because it will help create a long-lasting menu. At the same time, a healthy diet without physical exercise may be impractical. Although many of the modern diseases are attributable to high-fat consumption as portrayed by, a sedentary lifestyle has become a major problem in societies. Concurrently, keeping fit will require routine jogging and stretching to help the body break down the unhealthy fats from each component.


To conclude, a wholesome diet should necessarily include balancing all nutrients. At the same time, one needs to keep physical fitness to be healthy. Nonetheless, the debate on diet, carbs, and meat consumption has always depicted contradictory opinions from all sectors, including religion and the healthcare fraternity. In my view, maintaining the scorecard on wellness depends on balancing all components of food and health elements to ensure comprehensive approaches in societies.


How to start a low-carb diet? – 9 things you need to know (n.d). Web.

Goldstein, M. (1998). The zero-carb diet. Owsley “The Bear” Stanley. Just Eat Meat. Web.

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