Corruption in Africa: Causes and Solutions

Since corruption is a negative social phenomenon that hinders the development of many countries and undermines their economy, the fight against it is considered one of the most significant tasks of the modern world. Bribery is probably the most burdensome for the inhabitants of African states, where it weakens the law contributing to the devastation of natural resources and human trafficking. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly explore the problem of corruption in Africa and the potential ways to solve it.

My research interest is finding possible solutions that help reduce bribery and money laundering by leading African organizations. I am a student with a deep interest in ethical issues in business governance and a strong desire to explore people’s problems. I cannot overlook that bribes and kickbacks are base for many leading African corporations. Therefore, I am studying manifestations of corruption in well-known African corporations, their “ethical dilemmas and challenges” (Turyakira, 2018, p. 1). As for perspective, I see this problem as urgent and requiring immediate acts. I use many scholarly works dealing with economics, management, finance, and business ethics to solve it. Thus, the research strives to answer what should be done to remove the heavy burden of corruption from African countries.

This research is essential since it aims to consider all factors contributing to the onset and strengthening of corruption in Africa and find ways to overcome them. The work will be based on the best scholarly papers, which contain well-grounded reviews of current economic policies in Africa. Many of its countries turned into “either a ‘shadow state’ riddled with corruption or a ‘Mafia state’” (Budhram & Geldenhuys, 2018, p. 23). Moreover, the research will describe main African challenges, including lack of media freedom, colonial powers, and corrupt legal institutions (Adeleye et al., 2020). It will also include successful attempts to overcome corruption in several states, such as Norway (Risk & Compliance Portal, 2020). The main significant contribution this study will make is its help in solving the problem.

My inner beliefs and values help me explore this topic more deeply and create well-thought research because when corruption is defeated, the world will become a better place. Guided by my values, which should “dictate actions at defining moments,” I believe that bribery causes citizens to distrust the authorities and destroys the lives of thousands of people (Galperin et al., 2020, p. 75). It would be wrong to pretend that the problem does not exist and people should not do anything. However, like many people worldwide, I have a bias that corruption, which has existed for centuries, cannot be rooted out. To avoid the impact of my personal beliefs and preferences, I strive to remind myself that I am a researcher who must be as objective as possible. Therefore, my inner convictions contribute to conducting this research, aiming to help others defeat one of the negative phenomena of the modern world.

The concern of my research work is to find the possible ways to root out corruption in African corporations and decrease bribery and money laundering. This research’s significance involves the fact that it pays attention to reasons for corruption’s onset, previous successful steps to defeat it described in the scholarly works, and potential solutions to this problem. My values and beliefs help me carry out this research conscientiously and thoroughly; simultaneously, I try to control all my biases, which can interfere with my work, due to the thought that science requires objectivity. Therefore, I think this study will contribute to strengthening Africa’s economy.


Adeleye, I., Luiz, J., Muthuri, J., & Amaeshi, K. (2020). Business ethics in Africa: The role of institutional context, social relevance, and development challenges. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(4), 717-729.

Budhram, T., & Geldenhuys, N. (2018). Combating corruption in South Africa: Assessing the performance of investigating and prosecuting agencies. Acta Criminologica: African Journal of Criminology & Victimology, 31(2), 23-46.

Galperin, B. L., Enueme, C. F., & Dixon, D. P. (2020). Pay the bribe or take the high road: Dilemma of a young female Tanzanian entrepreneur. The CASE Journal, 16(1), 75-96.

Risk & Compliance Portal (2020). Norway corruption report. GAN Integrity.

Turyakira, P. K. (2018). Ethical practices of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries: Literature analysis. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1), 1-7.

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