Corruption in the African Countries

The main purpose of the work is to present the problem of corruption and possible solution in different parts of the world. African regions have been chosen to stay more specific in the discussion, and, on the examples of developed countries, the possible strategies unique for the African countries can be revealed. The argument states that the problem of corruption is one of the key issues of the modern world, which is actively discussed in developed countries but rarely debated in developing (Narcisse & Tiky, 2010). The general idea of the research is to conclude the corruption aspect in African countries by using business models like management, financing, economics, and business ethics. It is crucial to stay oriented on a particular sphere where corruption occurs. According to Turyakira (2018), ethical dilemmas and changes in the fight against corruption will be raised in the paper. To stay professional during the research, I will rely on the ideas of my colleagues who have already published their works and analyze both positive and negative aspects of the issue.

The sources used in the research project will undergo an accurate analysis and will be checked for reliability. Every idea will be supported by valuable evidence retrieved from professional researchers’ articles. Consequently, such crucial topics as freedom of media and corrupted legal institutions will be clearly presented with the support of reliable sources (Adeleye et al., 2020). As long as everybody understands corruption’s bad influence, valuable evidence stays important in the research process. The common problem of developing countries is an obstacle to the significant and fast development of the economy and social life (Otusanya, 2011). Consequently, there might not be any positive progress without leaders’ desire to introduce solutions.

The fight against corruption is also close to developed countries as, without strong leaders, it would be impossible to overcome this issue. On the example of Norway, the strategy of overcoming high corruption levels can be seen and taken to adjust it to developing countries of the African region (“Norway corruption report”, 2020). The main reason for the possible failure is the historical structure of dynasties that got used to corrupt actions. According to Budhram & Geldenhuys (2018), leaders of those dynasties usually play the mafia with money and their citizens. Such areas as politics, social life, and economics are adjusted to this specific hierarchy created many years ago, and it becomes complicated to get out of this reality.

The research’s main task is to provide a structured explanation of the problem and provide a logical conclusion. By being accurate and objective, I must analyze positive and negative aspects. Even though some people might state that it is impossible to cope with a high corruption level in African countries developing throughout centuries, the positive side of the problem may still be evaluated. While many lives are destroyed because of disbelief in authority, African countries’ general level of life has increased. Some countries are open to taking part in the development of new technologies or tourism integration (Galperin et al., 2020). A logical conclusion can appear when more than one side of the problem is discussed. I will try to conduct deeper research to provide readers with diverse ideas related to corruption in developing countries. This strategy can make my work exceptional and attract new ideas from my colleagues.


Adeleye, I., Luiz, J., Muthuri, J., & Amaeshi, K. (2020). Business ethics in Africa: The role of institutional context, social relevance, and development challenges. Journal of Business Ethics, 161(4), 717-729.

Budhram, T., & Geldenhuys, N. (2018). Combating corruption in South Africa: Assessing the performance of investigating and prosecuting agencies. Acta Criminologica: African Journal of Criminology & Victimology, 31(2), 23-46.

Galperin, B. L., Enueme, C. F., & Dixon, D. P. (2020). Pay the bribe or take the high road: Dilemma of a young female Tanzanian entrepreneur. The CASE Journal, 16(1), 75-96.

Narcisse, L., & Tiky, V. (2010). The causes of corruption: Explaining the high levels of corruption in developing countries. The University of Texas at Dallas.

Otusanya, O. J. (2011). Corruption as an obstacle to development in developing countries: A review of literature. Journal of Money Laundering Control, 14(4), 387-422.

Norway corruption report. (2020). GAN Integrity.

Turyakira, P. K. (2018). Ethical practices of small and medium-sized enterprises in developing countries: Literature analysis. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 21(1), 1-7.

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