Corruption: The Global Problem

Regarding human rights abuses, Morocco, which is ranked 39 on the index, proposed an emergency law that denied citizens their right to movement, as well as assembly and free speech. Furthermore, the act was applied as legal protection targeting government critics and advocates of human rights. Thus, companies that would have complained against the inhuman treatment of the citizens would face severe judgments. Blasts that occur as a result of corruption lead to economic collapse, which affects company operations and profitability. For example, the Beirut blast in Lebanon resulted in widespread protests that caused an economic standstill.

Most companies suffer inequality and discrimination across corrupt regions. Corrupt use of personal connections allows known persons to refer friends to companies only linked to them. In Arab states, waste has been applied, consequently leading to slow business and sometimes the collapse of companies that are not favored. There are numerous ways that savvy marketers can apply to safeguard their global community. They should ensure citizens are enlightened on graft matters at regional, governmental, and intercontinental levels. Furthermore, keep them updated with the scale and scope of corruption. Marketers can use the emergence of technology to strengthen a continuous exchange between key stakeholders like governments, the public, civil society formations, academicians, and the media. Additionally, they should work with both governmental and non-governmental groups to alter conduct and observe progression.

Safeguarding organizational reputation requires transparency, which involves open procedures in business operations. Organizations should also comply with procurement rights, from advertisements to tender awards. Furthermore, they should make the company the frontline agent in reporting any misinformation to protect its reputation. If a newspaper print highlights false information, the company should report the issue and provide true data. Lastly, whistleblowing is necessary for a corrupt state to protect the company’s image.

Conclusively, I have learned that corruption is a global problem that needs urgent attention. The problem is more prevalent in developing countries, necessitating intervention from politically stable nations. Additionally, developed nations such as the United States should invest resources and power in combating this menace in the Middle East and African countries. Unfortunately, corruption denies citizens basic needs such as food and better health care services, in addition to infrastructural development.

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