The question of the rise of mental torture with regards to the insecurity on how the views of people on oneself are presented is a challenge in the society that seeks to verify some justification. This study will cover critically on the perspective of mind in a philosophical approach, exploring on the components that sustain such issues. The issues include such questions as who am I? Am I a spirit, a body, a mind or all of these things? In addition, how free am I?
Critical description of the human mind and personalization process has effects on the rise of some questions. Metaphysics is a process of awareness and description of the relationship between an inner and outer being. This science focuses on studying people with philosophers arguing that this study has rendered people to become more predictable.
Who Am I, a spirit, a body, a mind or all of these things?
The questions regarding the face that reflects in the mirror each day when morning comes and the eyes that take time to view issues and observe other creatures from afar, or the mental mind that deals with the thoughts of realizing the ability to connect with some issues, is still an open discussion. Having an attitude about inquisitive questions is a stage to factor in the realization and actualization of oneself. In the real approach to issues that affect the human body, real figuring out the entity of ‘who I am’ is important. I am a sense of some component referred to as ego. When this concept is applied to the body in a temporary way, this becomes an ego with false characteristics. Meanwhile, if the sense is applied to some spiritual description, it turns out to be real. False ego is faking the reality depicted from the original ego (Conrad 28). The mind and body are involved in this process, and people can only apply the description depending on the personalities.
How Free Am I
The environmental stability and factors at this stage highly determine the question on how comfortable one is in the settling of an environment full of realities and fake objects branded as the truth. In the self-actualization process, before recovering the real image and considering a satisfactory process, self-explanatory and defense depends on how free individuals are within the society. Some philosophers have argued that losing the ego is possible, but losing it to an environmental change and exploration opportunities is impossible.
It is vital to outline the standardization of the well-being of a person without bias. Having a free spirit means experiencing liberal thoughts on the matters that deal with how the society views issues, instilling self-driven perspective on the common ground. The meaning of being free, according to psychologists, is having completed the unfinished businesses and realizing the potential in viewing issues differently. It is vital to consider the process that provides an outline on the sensitivity and awareness of the mental connection.
Self-awareness and actualization are vital in considering the application process of a journey in determining a person. Inner person with an extra potential may influence the ego in the world of reality and satisfaction, depending on the effects caused by the mental torture. Sensitivity and perfect communication with oneself which include meditation processes or attending the retreats is important to a person.
Work Cited
Conrad, Joseph. Heart of darkness. New York: St. Martin’s, 2010. Print.