Critical Thinking and Racism in Modern Times

Critical thinking can be defined as reasoning rationally and clearly while understanding the logical connection between ideas. To think critically, one must use their ability in a sense. Active learners tend to be good at critical thinking when compared to passive learners. Good critical thinkers will develop a vital question and formulate it precisely and with clarity (Silke 9). To find the appropriate solution, they will first gather a lot of information related to the problem. In the case of complex issues, an excellent critical thinker will effectively communicate with other people in an attempt to figure out possible solutions.

The new definition of racism is a belief that human capacities and traits are primarily determined by race and that differences in race lead to one race being viewed as superior to another race. A point of view against the definition emerges; the fact is that all human beings have equal capacities to do different things. Many whites believe that black people cannot do particular tasks with effectiveness, which is entirely wrong. For instance, they have the perception that blacks do not have the necessary skills for leadership. The truth is that different races have equal capabilities; blacks can lead people successfully. The intellectual capacity of different races is similar; it is a myth that black people have the low academic ability. What brings differences is inequality in resources, not skin color. The new definition of racism has a false implication; no race is superior to others. The hierarchy of races is absolutely not true, and there is no need to find reasons which show inequality in different races (Katharina 22). Subjecting black people to practices of racial profiling is wrong. Every race is equally talented; for instance, those of African descent can play football perfectly, just as Caucasians can. No race is inferior or superior; every country should have laws meant to punish people who engage in racism.

Work Cited

Braselmann, Silke, Katharina Glas, and Laurenz Volkmann. “Ecology, cultural awareness, anti-racism and critical thinking: integrating multiple perspectives in foreign language teaching.” Ecozon@: European Journal of Literature, Culture and Environment 12.1 (2021): 8-24.

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