The Importance of Critical Thinking

Everyone in the world has thoughts, and it is in human nature. Most people’s thinking is not informed but warped and partial. However, everyone’s life depends on how they think and what they think about. Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill for everyone who wants to be in charge of his life. It is a key to successful choices and vital for the twenty-first-century human mindset.

Critical thinking is a judicial system that is used to analyze things from a critical point of view. It allows people to make reasonable solutions and react consciously in most situations. Doctor Richard Paul (2006) defines critical thinking as “the art of thinking about your thinking while you are thinking to make you’re thinking better” (Paul et al., p. 17). His model consists of three elements of thinking: intellectual standards and traits and elements of reasoning. Critical thinking is not about negative thoughts or demonstrating cleverness. As stated in «Think Critically», this concept is about being “skeptical without being cynical” (Facione et al., 2016). However, critical thinking does not make people good or vice versa. It only helps them control their behavior’s consequences or at least understand them. Intelligent people usually use the concept of critical thinking because it is impossible to know everything, but it is always possible to analyze the circumstances they are in.

Critical thinking is vital for society and can prevent the world from many unwanted local or even international incidents. These skills are worth the time people put into them. Solid critical thinkers solve problems that other people cannot deal with. This concept is crucial for every person that is used to being in control of their lives and problems and needs to have more attention from humanity.


Facione, P. & Gittens, C. A. (2016). Think critically. Pearson Education Inc.

Paul, R. & Elder, L. (2008). Intellectual Standards: The Words That Name Them and the Criteria That Define Them. The Foundation for Critical Thinking Press.

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