Cultural and Emotional Intelligence Differences

Cultural and emotional intelligence have a certain similarity in the way they work because both require the person to examine the situation before acting upon it. Rash decisions are often incorrect and lack understanding of the subtle intricacies of human behavior. However, while emotional intelligence deals with more universal aspects of humanity such as feelings, cultural intelligence is based on the ability to understand various cultural aspects of other’s behavior. A person who is culturally intelligent is able to gain insight into the behavior of others based on their cultural background. Issues often arise when people unfamiliar with cultural differences make inaccurate assumptions about people (Chao et al. 257). Negative bias, conflict, and even racism may develop due to a lack of cultural intelligence in a person. It is an extremely valuable skill for international companies because people with cultural intelligence would not accidentally commit an insulting or rude action when dealing with foreign partners or customers. Cultural and emotional intelligence work well when combined because the culture of the people may differ, but emotions are more or less universal among all people (Earley and Mosakowski).

Works Cited

Chao, Melody Manchi, et al. “Enhancing Cultural Intelligence: The Roles of Implicit Culture Beliefs and Adjustment.” Personnel Psychology, vol. 70, no. 1, 2017, pp. 257–292.

Dick, Howard, and Jeremy Mulholland. “The Politics of Corruption in Indonesia.” Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vol. 17, no. 1, 2016, pp. 43–49.

Earley, P. Christopher, and Elaine Mosakowski. “Cultural Intelligence.” Harvard Business Review. 2004, Web.

Setiyono, Budi, et al. “Combating Corruption During Democratic Transition: The Role of CSOs in South Korea and Indonesia.” Sociology and Anthropology, vol. 5, no. 11, 2017, pp. 968–976.

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