Nursing Competencies Examples

In a healthcare delivery, it is important for one to be aware of the cultural competence concept. Especially when it comes to patient care, that is, nursing. It implies the ability of medical personnel to take into account the patient’s racial characteristics, beliefs, cultural backgrounds, and principles. Such data may be accessible in hospital databases, and its analysis should be the initial stage of healthcare service.

This is also essential in the context of cultural diversity, which includes identifying groups of patients with similar cultural backgrounds. Moreover, Matusiak (2018) states that nurses providing care who are culturally aware of patients’ backgrounds are more likely to provide better service among culturally diverse populations. This approach helps the patient feel more comfortable and relaxed. This is crucial when caring for patients as it will not only affect the quality of the services provided but also influence the patient’s condition. Comfortable atmosphere affects the improvement of the general state of patients and their indicators. Moreover, one has to remember that patients may immediately be in a state of anxiety or even depression due to illness.

Patient-centered and family-centered care is a set of approaches that help build a productive relationship between staff, patients, and family. This model is also important in providing health care services as it influences indirect factors of assessment. In other words, it is crucial to consider the patients’ family characteristics, as this is part of the service spectrum. This approach includes the study of information not only about the patient but also about family ties. It will also help to build a full-fledged information base about the patient.


Matusiak, G, K. (2018). (Ed.). Delivering Culturally Competent Nursing Care. Springer Publishing Company.

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