Current Energy Crisis in Beirut, Lebanon

Lebanon is currently facing one of its worst energy crises due to frequent power outages in its capital, Beirut. An acute energy crunch aggravates problems, causing many households to struggle with long power cuts. Some regions in the country experience severe blackouts for up to 23 hours daily. This paper supports the ideas used by the Lebanese government to reduce crises of energy, such as using solar systems, alternative fuels, good governance, and cutting the energy demand.

The current conditions in Lebanon have made using solar energy a necessity. The state-run electricity company, responsible for 90 percent of Lebanon’s energy, cannot provide a reliable power source (Elmustapha, 364). The installation of solar panels by NGOs and expatriates in suburban rooftops, parking lots, and the entire town has helped to supply electricity. Solar systems are an effective way for the Lebanese to deal with the electricity crises.

Using alternative fuels such as coal and oil (diesel) is an effective way of dealing with the crisis. With the limited gas supply, alternative fuel sources are essential in reducing gas demand. Various methods should be explored to increase the running hours of coal diesel-powered generators. Such practices include suspending air quality rules in the case of emergencies and speeding up the issuance of new permits. The strategies will increase air pollution but also decrease blackouts. Expanding the use of alternative fuels will reduce gas demand, thus aiding in the energy crisis.

Good governance will generally lead to effective methods (solar energy and alternative fuels) to reduce the energy crisis. Implementing policy tools that account for the political economy of the power sector will help in the energy crisis. Cooperating with other countries that can provide aid is very effective. The Lebanese government has arranged to purchase gas and electricity from Egypt and Jordan. Good governance involves identifying methods to solve a problem and cooperating with other parties to find a solution.

The energy crisis in Lebanon can be reduced in various ways, such as by using solar systems, good governance, and alternative fuels. The use of solar energy has become common in Lebanon as a means of providing electricity through solar panels. Using alternative fuels will help reduce the market price for energy and gas demand. Good governance is essential in incorporating strategies to reduce the energy crisis in Lebanon. The ideas implemented by the Lebanese government are effective in avoiding tragedy.

Work Cited

Elmustapha, Houda, Thomas Hoppe, and Hans Bressers. “Understanding stakeholders’ views and the influence of the socio-cultural dimension on the adoption of solar energy technology in Lebanon.” Sustainability 10.2 (2018): 364.

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