Today, traditional shopping is becoming less popular since fewer people want to attend built environments to purchase food products and other items. The development of technology makes it possible to buy everything that people need in a few clicks. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated prevention measures contributed to the active spread of online shopping. Even though this phenomenon is positive and convenient for people, some disadvantages exist. The most evident of them refers to the fact that the decay of traditional shopping leads to abandoned physical environments. In particular, multiple shopping malls and other retail spaces are not requested now since customers want to avoid visiting them. That is why designers should do their best to re-image the existing retail spaces to ensure that they are still attractive environments for people. A suitable decision is to organize a specific zone where individuals can watch stand-up comedy since this solution satisfies many course concepts.
Re-Purposing Empty Malls
There are many shopping malls of different sizes in the United States. According to the official data, there were 30,000 spaces in 1975, and the number kept rising till the early 21st century (Ark, 2020). Mall of America became the culmination of shopping in the USA since it became the largest shopping space in the country with its 5.6 million square feet (Ark, 2020). This state of affairs resulted in the fact that such environments became scattered across the entire nation, and the decay of traditional shopping resulted in a dilemma. Owners were expected to find effective and practical ways to re-purpose these locations.
It is possible to use different methods to make abandoned malls valuable for the community. Firstly, retail spaces can be subject to appropriate changes to create healthcare facilities (Kavilanz, 2020). These environments typically have sufficient space and good logistics to establish clinics and specialized medical centers. In addition to that, such shopping malls were convenient vaccination sites, which helped overcome the crisis. Secondly, a suitable solution is to turn a closed retail space into an educational establishment. Photo 1 by Kavilanz (2020) depicts that Gem Prep Pocatello school was opened in a Sears Store in Chubback, Idaho. This step was productive because it made education more accessible in that community. Thirdly, former shopping malls can be used as warehouses or distribution hubs. According to Kavilanz (2020), Amazon considers restructuring JCPenney and Sears stores for its purposes. Finally, churches can purchase shopping malls to create campuses for the congregation there. It is a widespread practice in the United States because religious entities require their places, and former shopping centers are suitable for this task. This information demonstrates that one has multiple ways to re-purpose abandoned shopping malls.

Presenting Attractive Space
Since I love humor and comedy, I like to interact with people who share my preference. That is why I like to discuss new comedy films and shows with my friends. We meet personally in different places and express our opinions regarding these movies. In addition to that, I am a fan of stand-up comedy, which makes me a frequent guest of The Independent Comedy Club, which is located in Michigan. It is the place where beginner and experienced comedians present their jokes and amuse spectators. I tend to attend this establishment on Fridays and Saturdays because these days are the most suitable for me.
In The Independent Comedy Club, I am an ordinary spectator, which denotes that I mainly observe stand-up comedians. Thus, observation is the leading activity that is expected in this space. However, I frequently find like-minded people during these events because many individuals share my humor preferences. This fact allows me to make contact with other people and chat with them further. I can additionally attend the establishment with my friends if they agree to spend time in this manner. This information demonstrates that the selected environment is appropriate and attractive for me since I can effectively cooperate with diverse groups.
I additionally like to visit The Independent Comedy Club because of its symbolic aesthetics. Photo 2 by Happening Next (n.d.) demonstrates the space inside the establishment. Even though some people think that the space is dark and cramped, it is appropriate for stand-up comedy. A small number of people denotes that all spectators are interested in the event and listen attentively to the comedians. Little light ensures that visitors do not have many visual signals that can detract them from the show.

Re-Imaging Shopping Mall
It is possible to use the information from the previous question to explain how it is possible to re-purpose a shopping mall. A suitable solution is to incorporate a few principles from the article by Juel-Jacobson (2015). Firstly, it is important to bring comfortability, which denotes that shopping malls need to attract people and make them stay (Juel-Jacobson, 2015). This fact is possible when individuals are provided with environments where they can sit or stay comfortably. Secondly, a suitable approach is to incorporate destinability in the shopping mall. According to Juel-Jacobson (2015), this term denotes that it is necessary to equip the environment with a landmark, which is a recognizable physical feature. I think that a possible decision is to organize specific zones with large screens in the shopping malls where people can watch stand-up comedy.
This solution is suitable because a few course concepts support it. The wayfinding principles are preserved because signage should be used to help visitors help the environment, while architectural delineation is needed to establish the borders of the environment. Cozy sofas and chairs will be placed to provide single individuals and groups with the required levels of privacy. Simultaneously, this furniture is effective in ensuring that people are protected from territorial violation because they can choose whether to occupy detached chairs or sofas for groups. Finally, it is necessary to establish that stand-up comedy is played at an acceptable volume of sound. This condition is required to control the impact of external stressors and protect the environment from pollution.
The proposed idea results in a few significant pros and cons. On the one hand, the solution is promising because it can motivate people to visit a shopping mall since it is comfortable there. This suggestion allows for combining the useful with the pleasant because visitors can enjoy stand-up comedy while they are shopping. On the other hand, this environment can result in problems because of possible conflicts among visitors. In any case, the proposed idea is creative and worth attention.
Retail spaces lose their popularity because people tend to make more purchases online. That is why these establishments require re-imaging to stay afloat and keep attracting visitors. There are many examples of how shopping malls can be re-purposed to create value for the community. A possible step is to organize specific zones within these establishments where people can enjoy stand-up comedy. Such areas seem a practical solution because they address privacy, wayfinding, territoriality, stress, and pollution principles.
Ark, T. V. (2020). Turning dead malls into community assets. Forbes. Web.
Happening Next. (n.d.). HMC showcase at The Independent Comedy Club. Web.
Juel-Jacobsen, L. G. (2015). Aisles of life: Outline of a customer-centric approach to retail space management. The International Review of Retail, Distribution, and Consumer Research, 25(2), 162-180. Web.
Kavilanz, P. (2020). You might be surprised who’s moving into those sad, abandoned malls. CNN Business. Web.