Current Fulfillment Process at CVS: Complications and Solutions

The current fulfillment process at CVS seems to be overly complicated of the entrepreneurship to function efficiently and make sure that the customers’ needs are met adequately. Indeed, a closer look at the way, in which the clients’ requests are processed will show that the overall process is rather convoluted.

On the one hand, the introduction of a complex system that will serve as the means of verifying every step made can be viewed as the tool for promoting quality and increasing the rates thereof, thus, boosting customer satisfaction. On the other hand, the unnecessarily intricate process is likely to seem frustrating to the target audience, consequently, making them feel dissatisfied with the services provided by entrepreneurship. Apart from the drop-off-related procedures, the data entry procedure might seem somewhat tedious to the clients (Schroeder, Rungtusanatham, & Goldstein, 2013).

Therefore, a better data management strategy and an enhanced information processing method should be viewed as a necessity for the organization. Instead of the recent approach toward data management based on the idea of organizing the process of data analysis with no regard for the cooperation between different departments of the organization, the principle of a cohesive process flow has been suggested (Schroeder et al., 2013). Therefore, the company must adapt it to enhance the quality and speed of the services.

The prove that the new process will be an improvement over the existing one

Although the introduction of an entirely new principle of workflow organization is a significant change to the design of the company’s processes, it is likely to have a largely positive effect on the overall performance of the company. According to the case study details, the customers are dissatisfied with the convoluted process of information analysis and the retrieval of the required services (Schroeder et al., 2013). Therefore, any steps that will simplify the above stage of managing the clients’ requests will affect the entrepreneurship positively.

Groups that are likely to have problems with the proposed solution

Naturally, some of the company members may object to the changes in the operations’ design. For instance, it is expected that the people working in the Quality Assessment Department will be against the changes as they will alter the key processes significantly. The objections above, however, should not be dismissed immediately. Quite on the contrary, there is a grain of truth in them, as getting used to the new environment may hamper the work-related processes. A training system aimed at helping the staff members adjust along with a transformative leadership strategy will help the employees accept the changes (Niehaus & Price, 2013).

Technology to prevent or inhibit backsliding

Seeing that a range of staff members are likely to be against the newly adopted approach, the possibility of backsliding should be addressed. Because of the change in the approach toward information processing and the change in the workflow, the performance rates of the stay may drop (Kotler, ‎Dingena, ‎& Pfoertsch, 2015). The adoption of the latest tools for data processing, which will help take the pressure off, can be viewed as an essential tool for enhancing the performance rates.

The Pharmacy Service Initiative as an opportunity for CVS

The further promotion of the Pharmacy Service Initiative (PSI) is crucial for the company’s success in the target market. Seeing that the above strategy is aimed at improving the overall quality rates of the services, it will help locate the dents in the current design of the entrepreneurship’s operations. Therefore, further courses for improvements can be determined.

Reference List

Kotler, ‎P., Dingena, M., ‎& Pfoertsch, W. (2015). Transformational sales: Making a difference with strategic customers. New York, NY: Springer.

Niehaus, J. R., & Price, K. F. (2013). Bottom line results from strategic human resource planning. New York, NY: Springer Science & Business Media.

Schroeder, R., Rungtusanatham, M. J., & Goldstein, S. (2013). Process-flow analysis. In Operations management in the supply chain: Decisions and cases (pp. 110-134) (6th ed.). New York City, NY: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.

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