One of the modern generation’s core challenges is seeking protection against bullying. The study comparing victimization and perpetration as a consequence of cyberstalking renders a profound insight concerning the influence of technological advancement on social relations. As experimental-based research, the outcomes pose dynamic gaps and opportunities for the intense investigative initiative. One of the vital concepts to incorporate involve identifying the independent, dependent, and mediating variables. The establishment of an interdependent relationship among the three quotients plays a crucial role in comprehending the necessary derivative details.
Objectivity in research mainly encapsulates distinguishing the vital effects of the entities on a topical issue. Transcendentally, cyberstalking is an independent factor that prominently steers victimization and perpetration among individuals as dependents. During data analysis, the foundational insight enshrines comparing the frequency rate of the two reliant components; victimization and perpetration. The results indicate higher victimization than perpetration implications in relation to cyberstalking. Although the findings show a contrast, the study forms a gap in identifying the core mediating initiatives. Despite realizing the prevalence aspect, it is critical to ensure an understanding of the situational occurrence. An excellent example is the establishment of limited cybersecurity knowledge against the intensified accessibility essence of online platforms. A different mediating that is recommended as a measure of the interdependent relationship includes social media channels.
Cyberstalking is a multidimensional phenomenon that engulfs the manipulation of systems to track individuals’ online activity and patterns. The research fosters a major shortcoming due to the lack of indicating the core foundational elements of cyberstalking. Ideally, it is crucial to incorporate parameters on the interactional variation with computers based on human behavioral indicators. As a result, the data collection exercise attained a 20% completion attributed to indistinctive clarity. In the cyberstalking spectrum, the critical traits influencing independence encompass social media networks and policy frameworks (Dou et al., 2020). Incorporating the features during the questionnaire construction enhances clarity among respondents, leading to a higher participatory frequency.
Victimization is a different constituent of the interdependent relationship compelling consequential effect among internet users. The experiment highlights the situational essence of the two components; perpetration and victimization within cyberstalking practice. The study strikes an imminent gap in the assumptive perspective regarding human behavior. It is essential to identify the parameters of victimization as a dependent component. The foundational insights on victimization focus on multiculturalism, institutional guidelines, and personnel’s moral and ethical pillars (Dou et al., 2020). Diversity is a driving initiative on the concerns of respecting individualistic social identity constraints, especially during engagements in online platforms.
Perpetration is a dependent element prominently influenced by cyberstalking activities on account of attaining satisfaction. Although the research focuses on the comparison between the independent and dependent quotients, it is crucial to incorporate the constituting features of perpetuation. Fundamentally, bullying negatively affects society’s growth and development due to psychological and mental repercussions (Dou et al., 2020). Therefore, it is critical to incorporate attributes of the perpetrators encompassing cognitive and physiological disorders in addition to the technological resources enhancing the malpractice.
Succinctly, cyberstalking is an imminent threat to the sustainable use of social media networks and dynamic online tools. The main reason involves the recorded high perpetration and victimization effects. The investigation focuses on determining the prominent dependent element influenced by cyberstalking. While the research fosters insight into the distinction between the bullies and the casualties, it is recommended that a remodification of in-depth exploration of the constituents mediating the interdependent relationship.
Dou, G., Xiang, Y., Sun, X., & Chen, L. (2020). Link between cyberbullying victimization and perpetration among undergraduates: Mediating effects of trait anger and moral disengagement. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 13, 1269.