Decision-Making Skills: Mike’s Situation

Every day, people have to face various difficulties and make certain choices hoping that they are right. Hence, it is hard to disagree that decision-making skills are those that a person needs to have and practice. Mike’s situation is rather challenging: he has recently inherited a sizable amount of money and wants to invest it, but his principles and desire to get profit cannot find a compromise. His financial advisors are suggesting two groups of different funds. The first one consists of those that have characteristically been solid and conservative performers but are based on products and services that are not environmentally friendly. The problem is that supporting and protecting the environment and not having business with those who take the opposite position is Mike’s main principle. However, other suggested funds are not quite as aggressive as the first group, and Mike has to make a quick decision.

If I were him, I would take a day or two to search for other options to meet all my requirements. Simultaneously, I would use all my decision-making skills and creativity to find a proper solution. I would not give up either my principles or the desire to make a profit and try to connect these two points so that they do not contradict each other. If no suitable funds were found, I would make the following decision.

First, dividing the received inheritance into two parts, most likely equal to each other, and then investing one of them in funds that do not support environmental issues. The money that I would receive from this investment would go to charity, for example, to organizations dealing with global warming. As for me, it is a great idea – since these funds do not support the environment, I can use their money to do it myself. The second part of the inheritance would be invested in less aggressive funds, and I would keep the future profit for myself. With such a decision, I do not betray my principles, and at the same time, I am investing my money quite wisely.

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