Depression Treatment and Management

Considering the case, there is a great need for medication as untreated depression could result in significant deterioration of patient’s quality of life. That is why antidepressants should be prescribed. It is extremely important to be careful with dosing for the patient to remain stable and be able to lead the traditional lifestyle. In case he uses brexpiprazole, the recommended dosing is 2 mg per day (Halverson, 2017). It is enough to support him and treat the main symptoms. At the same time, the given dosing will not result in the appearance of addiction or the development of other complications that are often associated with antidepressants use.

Treatment could be started only after patient is checked whether he has an allergy to the prescribed pills or not. If he is not allergic, he should also maintain clinical tests for depression (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2016). After it, he could start using pills. In a week he should visit a therapist again to re-evaluate her state and determine the impact the prescribed pills have on him. If patient demonstrates better results, treatment could be continued. If there are some problems caused by the usage of the prescribed pills, alterations in medication are needed.

Finally, it is crucial to educate patient about numerous side effects that could occur in the course of treatment. First, he might suffer from dry mouth, diarrhea, or other digestive tract problems. Additionally, nausea and insomnia could also be admitted. Patient should also be informed about the decreased libido or inability to have an orgasm. It comes from the peculiarities of pills he will use. However, he might not suffer from these effects. It is just important to warn him to assure that she will not take additional pills to improve his state.


Halverson, J. (2017). Depression treatment & management. Web.

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2016). Test and diagnosis. Web.

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