Detention of a Minor While Using Drugs

Possession of drugs and opioid substances without a proven need is a criminal offense regardless of age. The police officer who detained the teenager with marijuana is obliged to take the suspect to the department. The distinction between the detention of an adult and a juvenile is in the structure of the trial, punishment, and further control. However, it is not a police authority or area of ​​responsibility. The criminal area is not a reason for changing current state law on patrols. A teenager who violates the curfew is a public law abuser and must be brought home. However, possession and smoking of marijuana is a more severe crime covered by the juvenile justice system. The policeman must record the fact of detention, explain the reason and details of the misconduct to the person, and take the teenager to the police department. Further actions are regulated by the judicial system and are not included in the officers’ area of ​​authority.

Decisions regarding this situation are entirely based on curfew conditions and the state legal system, and no subjective factors can be considered. It means that similar circumstances the day before are not only not a mitigating factor, but also indicate an officer’s existing violation of the law. Possession of marijuana is illegal for both adults and teenagers. Detention of a minor while using drugs during curfew places responsibility for both offenses under the juvenile justice system. The police officer must arrest the offender and prepare documentation at the department. Minor factors and subjective decision-making markers have no legal effect before the current legislation. Consequently, the police officer should not consider the personal experience and previous circumstances before the necessary arrest.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, January 20). Detention of a Minor While Using Drugs.

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