Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction

In the age of the rapid development of technology and the emergence of hundreds of new computer and telephone programs, the role of a software project manager is only growing. The project developer interacts with them quite a lot during the program creation. There are two main reasons why their communication is significant for successful project implementation. Firstly, the software project manager is responsible for explaining to the developers and other team members how their future product should look and what characteristics it should have. Therefore, they should assign the tasks, inform developers about the deadline, and provide them with all necessary tools. Secondly, since the software manager leads a team, which also requires communication, they should oversee the process of the program’s development and know at what stage it is (What is software, n.d.). Hence, the interaction between the developer and the software project manager is a prerequisite for successfully implementing a project.

The Answer to Darcie’s Post

Timely and effective interaction between the developer and the software project manager is crucial in many aspects. It is difficult to disagree that the need to solve emerging problems and fix current errors is one of the reasons why these professionals should communicate. It is also necessary for the manager to ensure that the developer has all the tools they require. However, they should interact for other reasons, too, which are not less important: for instance, the manager assigns the tasks to the developer, which they can discuss. Moreover, the manager should control whether the developer can complete their work by deadline and whether its features meet the initial requirements. Thus, there are many reasons why a developer needs to communicate with the software manager.


What is software project management? (n.d.). Wrike. Web.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction." February 22, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction." February 22, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction." February 22, 2023.

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