Google Search Explained: Search for Beginners

When conducting the Google Search engine, some results often appear before others. In fact, the search outcomes are generated based on several stages. First of all, Google receives information from web pages, content added by users, open databases on the Internet, books, newspapers, and magazines (Google Search Central, 2019). The search process is built on algorithms that scan pages on the Internet and index the content posted (Google Search Central, 2019). The last stage of information research is the output of final results and sorting sites from the pages corresponding to the request according to the relevance rule (Google Search Central, 2019). The top positions are occupied by the most relevant and authoritative sites and then in descending order. As a standard, the search engine’s site relevance analysis is carried out according to the main criteria, such as location, language, user device type, search history, and much more. Google system attaches great importance to the relevance of the desired material. Thus, the weight of each factor is formed depending on the nature of the user’s request.

Google AdWords is a commercial service that provides advertisers with contextual material on the Internet. Google shows users relevant ads based on the keywords used during queries. Advertisements can be displayed at the top, bottom, and side of the search results page. “Announcements” occupy different positions, depending on the size of the bid for keywords and the quality of the content, literacy, and attractiveness. The service allows its customers to track and analyze a variety of ad performance parameters. In addition, the system algorithms show ads in the exact location and the audience that is ready to buy. In Google Ads, a business person can quickly change settings, focus on maximum performance and responsiveness. It is also important that the fee is charged if someone is interested in the ad and clicks on it.

On the contrary, Google AdSense is an automated service, allowing publishers to manage their advertisements. With its help, one can earn money on almost any website, blog, and forum following Google policy and the fullness of helpful content. The system coordinates how site owners place ad blocks on the pages of their projects and receive money from advertisers for this. Advertising is often practiced in blogs and allows their creators to reach a relatively broad audience.

Undoubtedly, smart devices make life much better, help to find a balance between rest and physical activity. However, owners of such gadgets are increasingly concerned about the potential practice of eavesdropping by large companies like Google, Apple, and Amazon. In most cases, devices with Internet connection support contain several vulnerabilities and can threaten the security of confidential data (Wueest, 2017). In general, Google devices are safe to use, but the included microphone is often associated with negative consequences of information leakage and ethical problems. Before buying smart devices, consumers should learn as much as possible about the product, study reviews. It is firmly not recommended to buy cheap devices from manufacturers if it is impossible to check them thoroughly. In the future, such savings on the device may cause the loss of confidential data. After purchasing the device, it is always necessary to update the firmware to the latest version and follow the updates. Also, users should be careful with privacy and security features and the speaker settings to prevent eavesdropping and unauthorized interference by intruders.

Indeed, Google is a fast-growing and progressive company, a leader in the global information market. Google has no equal either in information technologies or the business organization; it manages everything, starting with experiments, improvisations, analytical solutions, collegiality, and other unusual forms of activity. Thus, the “vastness” of the company’s wisdom, strength, and knowledge lie in its high competitiveness, wide distribution of its products and services, and decisive influence on countries’ economic and social aspects.


Google Search Central. (2019). Google search explained | search for beginners ep 4 [Video]. YouTube.

Wueest, C. (2017). Everything you need to know about the security of voice-activated smart speakers. Broadcom. 

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