Project Plan
Project description and background
The hobby selected for this project plan is to develop a musical instrument within 30 days. Musical instrument gadgets are created to produce musical sounds. Principally, any object that makes sound may be regarded as a musical instrument. The musical instrument should be created and stored well. After many years of having the same musical instrumental, we came together and resolved that there was a need to come up with an original musical instrument. The design and implementation of musical instruments are typically complex, with several steps to ensure all critical information is included at the right place and time to guarantee efficient, secure, effective, and reliable performance of the project’s final project. Each stage is crucial because it may either help the project development to succeed or fail if not done properly. Each stage is technical, even though it needs to be attainable if executed properly. The purpose of developing a musical instrument is to bring life to musical sounds and remove some monotonous experiences in the current musical instrument.
Further, the most critical thing is to assure each development stage meets all the requirements included and utilizes the right material executed by qualified experts to accomplish the desired project’s aspects. In accomplishing the project’s expectations, developers focus on completing the assigned activities to execute within the stipulated time. Our focus is working on the delivery of an original musical instrumental system project plan. The hobby project plan presents key objectives and scope, functional and technical requirements, components, and implementation.
Key Objectives
In completing this activity, four key objectives should be completed:
- Setting up and connecting equipment (takes 3 days maximum)
- Developing hardware and software connectivity (takes a maximum of 3 days)
- Acquiring functionality and technical knowledge (takes a maximum of 5 days)
- Project production will take a maximum of 15 days.
The activities have been spotted and built off each other as the major objectives critical to the successful completion of this hobby project. Each objective has its set of activities that shall be completed before going to the next objective. Each objective has its amount of time required to complete it determined according to the components of each activity, which has been highlighted in the related Microsoft Project Gant Chart.
Project’s Scope
The project’s scope mainly entails the software and hardware necessary to generate the final product, the original musical instrument. The project needs at least one person to finish with the resources already obtained. Each objective in this project has been assigned a designated timeframe to be finished according to the set of activities in the objective. The activities may serve as milestones to give exact dates and ensure that the project’s progress is on track for delivery.
Functional Requirements
For one to commence this project, the functional requirements should be fulfilled by the hardware and resources acquired. The activity is assigned three days to complete, consuming 10 percent of the entire project time. The major contributors to the quality of the sound of the original musical instrument are vibrato, harmonic content, and attack and decay. The design criteria for quality musical instruments are to make at least two different sounds (low and high), can be applied by one’s hands, and only utilizes the material given (Libin, 2018). The quality of the musical instrument sound will depend on the number and relative intensity of the upper harmonics present in the final product.
In this project, one room has been assigned for the activity of setting up, storing, and using the equipment. The room has to be of a commendable standard of at least 10*12 space to achieve the desired quality of the final product. This is anticipated for setting up to consume one to two hours to finish. However, it is undetermined the amount of time required to test the functionality of the equipment (Libin, 2018). Therefore, two extra days have been estimated for any last-minute matters and to attain any missing things.
Technical Requirements
The technical requirements comprise three major activities critical to the determination of the whole project’s feasibility within the timeframe assigned three days to be through it:
- Connecting the computer and the hardware
- Installation and updating of software
- Verification of stable connection between software and equipment (Fattah, 2021)
The essential step of this process is to verify that the hardware is compatible with the laptop one is using in the project. The software used in this process should also be compatible with the hardware acquired. Connection of the hardware to a computer may consume some minutes. Updating and installing must consume a few hours because the equipment is registered with the product keys to utilize some of the software (Ulyanich & Kainova, 2021). In this project, one day has been put aside to develop the software, and additional two days have been assigned to resolve any software problems along with validating the technical aspects of hardware/software connectivity.
Technical and Functionality Knowledge
Because of the lack of experience applying the software and hardware, there are nine days set aside for learning and comprehending the full system capacities. The objective has only two activities:
- Understanding the hardware’s functional capacities-audio interface, pop filter, launch pad
- Identifying and comprehending the associated software’s functional capacities –related programs and Ableton live lite app.
The projection is that this may consume two days to comprehend how to apply the pop filter and the audio interface mainly centered on the audio interface to produce a quality sound. However, the launch pad may consume the most time to completely understand because there is a functional and technical component to using the hardware with the matching software (Fattah, 2021). To group, the launch pad with the associated software is considered to take most of the remaining six days.
Production of this deliverable may consume most of the time considering the development and discovery process. The objective has been assigned fifteen days with the idea that the deliverable may be developed with a determinable level of quality and efficiency. Discovery may entail the initial four days utilized to listen to, gather usable sound samples, and beat. The development stage of this activity will take six days, mixing music to invent a final product appropriate for final fabrication (Yemini et al., 2018). Final production may consume up to four days to make final touches because of the stress on the mixing and sound quality of the finished product during the stage.
The project plan provides a complete and comprehensive scope of what will be critical to set off and realize my hobby project of developing an original musical instrument. Equipment and resources have been identified and assigned the necessary space needed for operation and setup. The functional and technical requirements have been identified, examined, and classified. Production of a deliverable and quality finished product may be an illustration of the gathered knowledge acquired from the hobby project.
Musical Instrumental System Implementation
The project’s system implementation illustrates smaller manageable functionalities. Execution specifies the design of the physical and logical layout of the musical instrumental system using graphical tools. The logical system layout can be designed procedurally. Key steps for designing logical design comprise defining the necessary software required for this project to completion. Each stage is named by a given activity it does. The physical layout design comprises the hardware and resources in this project that adhere to a given procedure. The key stages for designing a physical layout for this project entail the development of a room, collection of resources and hardware, optimization of physical resources design and completion of function specification design, consolidating the process of hardware interface, and assembly of physical design(Libin, 2018). The bill of resources only provides an approximation of financing, even though each might have a negative or positive deviation.
The furnishing, engineering, and installation of the spotted inventory may be executed by the RAD (Rapid Application Development) approach. RAD presents many advantages as it improves understanding between developers and users. It also improves teamwork between users and developers as they work closely with one another. In addition, RAD makes it easier to determine the quality of performance by comparing the deliverables of the final product of a musical instrument. Lastly, RAD reduces the time taken to develop the final product(Fattah, 2021). However, it is easier to seek verification as consumers are engaged in the testing and assessment of the final product, a musical instrument.
Gant Chart
Gant charts entail horizontal bar graphs that denote the activities required to complete a given project or hobby project of developing an original musical instrument. Gant charts provide the schedule of when the tasks are projected to commence and end, along with illustrating hierarchies, dependencies, and appropriate milestones for the project (Langkjær‐Bain, 2019). Gant charts monitor small projects, such as hobby project, that are typically associated with a major initiative.
Gant Chart for Developing an Original Musical Instrumental

The concept development will take 14 days, which entails creative concept direction, initial concept review and approval, and client concept revisions. Production will again take 14 days comprising site map, wireframes, programming, site testing, and client revisions of the set developments to attain the desired final product quality. Lastly, deployment will entail final product approval by the client. This will take two days.
Fattah, H. (2021). Installing and setting up hardware and software. LTE™ Cellular Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT), 9(8), 23-30. Web.
Langkjær‐Bain, R. (2019). Charts and minds. Significance, 16(6), 25-27. Web.
Libin, L. (2018). Musical instrument. Oxford Music Online, 9(2), 1-18. Web.
Ulyanich, V., & Kainova, I. (2021). The LADOZVON project: A musical and intellectual instrumental environment for artistic creativity and education. Art and education, 3(4), 185-196.
Yemini, M., Oplatka, I., & Sagie, N. (2018). Implementing project management in schools. Project Management in Schools, 17(3), 1-21. Web.