Diabetes: Types, Causes, and Complications

Diabetes is a serious and dangerous disease that, if untreated, can cause severe health problems or lead to death. There are several types of diabetes, with type one diabetes being caused by the body’s inability to produce insulin. The second type stems from the body’s developed resistance to insulin. Gestational diabetes is developed due to an organism being unable to produce enough insulin during pregnancy (Jwad, S. M., & AL-Fatlawi, 2022). Juvenile diabetes is another term for type one diabetes, with the name originating from the young age it develops.

Type two diabetes is a disease that is developed due to an organism’s resistance to insulin or when not enough insulin is made to lower blood sugar levels. Metformin is a drug that is often used in the treatment of this disease. It is employed in combination with a diet and exercise regimen, such as eating at regular intervals and avoiding long periods of inactivity. Depending on the patient’s condition, the drug is taken one to three times a day with meals orally (“Metformin uses, side effects, and more” n.d). Preparations for initiating treatment with Metformin include gastroenterological evaluation since this drug can cause stomach issues, and, in case such problems are detected, the dosage needs to be increased gradually.

There are several long-term and short-term complications that come from this type of illness. Short-term include blurred vision, increased thirst, tiredness, and headaches. Long-term include heart diseases, neuropathy, kidney diseases, and eye problems (“Type 2 diabetes”, 2021). Metformin side effects include nausea, appetite loss, stomach ache (short-term), and vitamin B12 deficiency (long-term) (“Metformin uses, side effects, and more” n.d). As in the treatment of any disease, diabetes patients should be medicated in accordance with their general health state.

In conclusion, diabetes proves to be a highly severe illness whose variables make it difficult for a doctor to diagnose and treat it. The causes for various types of diabetes differ, and so do their treatments. For type two, the most commonly used drug is Metformin. To employ Metformin, the doctor needs to perform gastroenterological evaluation and be wary of its long- and short-term side effects.


Jwad, S. M., & AL-Fatlawi, H. Y. (2022). Types of Diabetes and their Effect on the Immune System. Journal of Advances in Pharmacy Practices (e-ISSN: 2582-4465), 21 –30.

Metformin HCL – Uses, side effects, and more (n.d). Web.

Type 2 diabetes (2021). Mayoclinic. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Diabetes: Types, Causes, and Complications." August 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diabetes-types-causes-and-complications/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Diabetes: Types, Causes, and Complications." August 12, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/diabetes-types-causes-and-complications/.

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