Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities

Do you think higher education institutions have a responsibility to address the fact that underrepresented groups have difficulty succeeding in college? Explain.

Any institution should put into consideration the needs of disabled students. Assistance personnel, professional care team, and accommodation are the support services that should be granted by institutions of higher learning. It is therefore their responsibility to address the fact that this group of people should be gathered for in terms of education. For example, blind students should be given Braille machines to enable them to learn to the same degree as other students. Disabled students normally have gaps in their studies; therefore it is an obligation of the institution to fill the instructional gaps so as to overcome the obstacle. Teachers who can fully understand the needs of disabled students are special education teachers. Institutions are responsible for the provision of these teachers who will be able to address their needs accordingly. In addition to this, it is the work of the institution to consider the type of curriculum necessary for learners. It is the role of any institution of higher learning to ensure that all learners are gathered irrespective of the nature of difficulty the learner has.

Given the high cost of providing disability services (can be $20,000 per student), and the law to self-disclose, how far should schools go in reaching out to students with disabilities?

Schools should provide disability services fully to disabled students. The high costs of providing these services should be financed by the state. Learning institutions must face certain issues to increase the enrolment of disabled students. They include; helping these people gain job-related expertise, accommodation, and training staff that provide essential services. To overcome financial constraints, internal and external coffers should be explored. In addition to these, institutions should develop funding strategies that support needy students (Serge & Peter, 2003).

What about other groups? How far should higher education go to support and assist diversity? Consider legal, ethical, or moral issues.

Learning institutions should provide room for diversity concerning moral, ethical, and moral issues. Diversity helps in providing a choice to individuals who want to join higher learning institutions. Disabled students are also not normally accommodated in the field of science profession. According to statistics, science can present job opportunities for disabled students. Therefore it is an obligation of learning institutions to enhance diversity in these fields. Students with disabilities should be represented fully in all career fields. Legal and policy frameworks have an impact in encouraging inclusion, equity, and respect for diversity (OECD, 2005).

What are any other ideas you want to add to this journal not addressed in the questions? This assignment addresses the unit learning outcome, Examine your own perspectives on issues related to educating students with disabilities.

Another issue that should be into consideration is discrimination in the institution of higher learning. Even though there was the adoption of the disabled persons act in 1990 in the United States, the objective has not been attained (Serge & Peter, 2003). This issue of discrimination in terms of access to higher education should be addressed. Most institutions of higher learning do not accept many disabled people claiming that they lack enough facilities, and the legal provisions for most countries that promote access to these institutions do not make them directly liable (Serge & Peter, 2003).


OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. (2005). Students with Disabilities, Learning Difficulties and Disadvantages: Statistics and Indicators. France: OECD Publishing. Print.

Serge, E. & Peter, E. (2003). Disability in Higher Education. France: OECD Publishing. Print.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities." February 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/disability-services-in-higher-education-facilities/.


StudyCorgi. "Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities." February 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/disability-services-in-higher-education-facilities/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities." February 5, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/disability-services-in-higher-education-facilities/.

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