Discussion Board – Mobile and Social Computing

Every big organization that aims at getting successful in their field requires proper advertisement. Therefore, the need to advertise different products is ever-growing. With this growth, in turn, comes the increasing trend of inventing new ways to incorporate advertisement in the day-to-day activities such as browsing the Internet, chatting or watching videos or pictures online. Since most of these activities are now significantly easier to accomplish by simply having a smartphone, market’s attention shifted to promoting different types of products through mobile applications. Furthermore, the mobile apps’ developers started to pay much more attention to how they can integrate advertisement in their products without causing dissatisfaction amongst their customers. With such goals in sight, developers created many ways to promote any company or organization using only the limited means that smartphones can provide.

One of the most prosperous mobile applications is Snapchat. Following an example of Facebook that integrated advertisement in the feed of every user, they included a lot of options for the companies that want to place their commercials in this application. It allows commercials to be put in thousands of “stories” that the users of Snapchat post every day. The advertising is also included in the feed that every user checks daily to follow the events that take place in the world and their friends’ lives. Both of these methods create a number of opportunities for the developers of Snapchat and organizations that they cooperate with. This way, every organization that is working with the developers of Snapchat is able to stay relevant in the market without spending too much of its resources on otherwise costly advertising procedures. Therefore, Snapchat remains a useful asset that many organizations use to promote their services which demonstrates the importance of mobile computing.

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1. StudyCorgi. "Discussion Board – Mobile and Social Computing." April 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-board-mobile-and-social-computing/.


StudyCorgi. "Discussion Board – Mobile and Social Computing." April 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-board-mobile-and-social-computing/.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Discussion Board – Mobile and Social Computing." April 5, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/discussion-board-mobile-and-social-computing/.

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