Domestic Violence in the USA: Prevalence and Prevention Strategies



The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices among the members of one family. The project is also intended to cover various aspects that influence the audience’s philosophy regarding their violent behavior.

Domestic violence is a common practice in many countries, including the USA. It presupposes the presence of abusive behavior targeted at family members. Domestic violence leads to stress and other adverse consequences that is why relatives should protect each other from it (Berns, 2017). The emphasis should be made on the possible reasons for domestic violence and coping strategies that can be used to deal with it. Unfortunately, the discussed issue has been developing in the country for several centuries due to various misunderstandings between parents and children, and these people’s inability to take appropriate actions to resolve different psychological problems.


The topic of domestic violence is important because this issue is familiar to many American and European families. It is cyclical, which means that those individuals who were abused tend to become abusers themselves. A lot of them commit suicide, as they are not able to cope with the existing issue, and only some manage to survive and avoid adverse influences. Indeed, when a person, who remains under the influence of another individual that is stronger and has more rights, becomes mature and confident, he or she is likely to expose the society to danger (Berns, 2017). Usually, people who face violence in childhood want to revenge other people for their sufferings, which is considered to be psychological misbehavior.

Domestic violence presupposes such abusive actions as punching or pushing but also includes humiliation and neglect of dependent relatives, mainly children and the elderly. Even though this behavior is illegal, about 20 people are hurt by their partners or family members every minute (NCADV, 2017). It is essential to resolve different issues without physical violence. Such a challenge makes people wiser and lets them maintain long-term relationships with one another. When individuals do not seek ways to prevent abusive practices, it usually means that they do not love one another. Otherwise, they would feel awkward when beating their relatives.


This paper targets those people who face the problem of domestic violence daily. After reading the gathered and analyzed material, these people are more likely to reconsider their views on the abusive behavior that they face regularly. Usually, individuals refuse to admit the fact that they have a wrong life philosophy or thinking as to certain points (Berns, 2017). However, when they learn the ideas of most professional scholars about their problem, people may analyze their actions and try to avoid them in the future.

This audience is likely to share the discussed opinion towards domestic violence because the author and the readers are expected to have similar experiences in the past associated with abusive behavior. It is essential to write and make pieces of advice to other people only when a person has experience in the topic that he or she discusses. Indeed, theoretical knowledge is useful. Nevertheless, it has to be based on practical implications. Therefore, the topic discussion is as accurate and precise as possible.

Structure of Argument

Define the Problems

The literature review provided an opportunity to gather some information about the prevalence of domestic violence and its causes, including misinterpretation of other people’s motives, and psychological disorders (Oram, Trevillion, Feder, & Howard, 2013; Howard, Oram, Galley, Trevillion, & Feder, 2013). The main problem of people who face domestic violence daily is their life or career dissatisfaction. Usually, unsuccessful people have more chances to become abusers as they want to express their negative emotions (Straus, 2017). When individuals are involved in some projects or industries that they strive to develop, their minds are loaded with professional information. Therefore, they are unlikely to create other problems in their families and focus on them, instead of more important objects.

Attention should also be paid to the experiences of a particular population (whether their abusers perceived quarrels and physical violence or not). Another reason for domestic violence among family members stems from people’s relationships with one another. The majority of married couples have emotional crises after several years of living under one roof (Straus, 2017). They start to avoid each other and do not have any interest in their partners after living together for an extended period. According to Howard et al. (2013), when the described issue is addressed properly (with the help of professional psychologists in the sphere of family relationships), it is possible to prevent all the potential quarrels and abuses that emerge on the soil of unhappiness.

Define the Solutions

Support provided by other family members (except for abusers) is likely to improve the situation and allow survivors to start a new life without violence. Moreover, the audience of this paper must learn to share their concerns with other individuals who surround them regularly (colleagues, relatives, friends, and so on) (Howard et al., 2013). Once a person expresses his or her emotions verbally, one is likely to calm down. When there are no factors that bother a person’s mind, one’s behavior settles and becomes predictable (Straus, 2017). Although abusers cause tremendous damage to other individuals, they need to be treated appropriately. The majority of such people have a lack of love and other feelings that are essential to be experienced by an average person.

To make a moral influence on readers, there is still a necessity to find out different problem-solving methods related to the issue and reveal how they can be implemented in people’s lives. As stated by Straus (2017), “there are substantial associations between experiencing violence and various forms of delinquent behavior, including vandalism, drug abuse, stealing, alcohol abuse, and getting arrested” (p. 38). Indeed, to prevent and avoid domestic violence in the future, it is necessary to change the entire lifestyle of the person who initiates various quarrels at home and abuses his or her children. It would be proper to mention that children do not prefer to listen to adults if the latter family members are not respected (Straus, 2017). To remain an authoritative parent to one’s children, it is essential to spend some time with them, help them socialize, and contribute to their development. Although children cannot analyze their parents’ attitudes towards their family, they can feel that their presence is often neglected.


Berns, N. (2017). Framing the victim: Domestic violence, media, and social problems (2nd ed.). New Brunswick, NY: Routledge.

Howard, L. M., Oram, S., Galley, H., Trevillion, K., & Feder, G. (2013). Domestic violence and perinatal mental disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS Medicine, 10(5), 1-16. Web.

NCADV. (2017). National coalition against domestic violence. Web.

Oram, S., Trevillion, K., Feder, G., & Howard, L. M. (2013). Prevalence of experiences of domestic violence among psychiatric patients: Systematic review. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 202(2), 94-99. Web.

Straus, M. A. (2017). Physical violence in American families: Incidence rates, causes, and trends (2nd ed.). Washington, DC: National Institute of Justice.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 2). Domestic Violence in the USA: Prevalence and Prevention Strategies.

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