Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference?

Although driving seems like a mundane task, it can be extremely challenging and dangerous. Different weather, traffic, and road conditions, as well as vehicle condition, can have a significant impact on one’s driving. Driving during the summer months differs considerably from driving in winter, when roads may be covered in several inches of snow.

Snow substantially impacts driving as it creates a film between the surface of the road and the tires of the vehicle. In summer, the traction is not affected as the tires directly connect with the road surface. When operating a vehicle in winter, drivers must account for snow as a variable that should impact their every decision. In particular, as traction is decreased, it is recommended to increase the following distance, as the snowy road condition doubles the time an average vehicle requires for a complete stop (White, 2022). Similarly, drivers should opt for lower speeds to increase traction (White, 2022). Acceleration and deacceleration should be more gradual compared to summer months, as a sudden change in speed can cause the vehicle to become difficult to control.

In summary, driving in snowy weather conditions differs significantly from driving in summer. Drivers need to account for snow decreasing the adhesion between vehicle tires and the road surface and adjust their driving accordingly. In particular, traveling in snow requires lower vehicle speeds, a more gradual approach to changing speed, and greater distance between cars.


White, L. (2022). 6 common mistakes you should avoid while driving in the snow. RoadWarrior Blog.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference'. 10 August.

1. StudyCorgi. "Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference?" August 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/driving-in-winter-vs-summer-whats-the-difference/.


StudyCorgi. "Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference?" August 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/driving-in-winter-vs-summer-whats-the-difference/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Driving in Winter vs. Summer: What’s the Difference?" August 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/driving-in-winter-vs-summer-whats-the-difference/.

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