Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition


Wisdom and social recognition impact one’s behaviors and approaches and contribute to effective leadership. Both concepts are complex, and there is no universal way to define them. Wisdom can be viewed as a mature understanding of life and the ability to utilize experience and knowledge to make the right decisions (Toma et al., 2020). Social recognition refers to a non-monetary form of appreciation, respect, and admiration (Gilbert & Kelloway, 2018). This paper aims to discuss the leadership behaviors and actions resulting from the wisdom and social recognition, as well as explain the meaning and purpose of both concepts concerning leadership.

Leadership Behaviors and Actions That Result from Wisdom and Social Recognition

Wisdom is generally perceived as a multifaceted attribute that defines one’s way of thinking and acting and allows for informed decision-making and effective behavior. This quality is essential for a leader who is responsible for guiding others and cultivating the success of an organization. Wisdom can contribute to the following behaviors and actions: active listening, embracing diversity, advancing others’ ideas, encouraging courage and risk-taking, and promoting change and growth. Furthermore, a wise individual demonstrates the willingness to develop and implement effective approaches to improve organizational outcomes. According to Toma et al. (2020), leadership comprises intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, sound reasoning, life experience, integrity, and know-how. As can be seen, a leader would strive to understand the positions of others, demonstrate empathy, and have a prosocial approach.

Social recognition is another concept that can affect one’s leadership behavior. In particular, it can enhance the feeling of acknowledgment in the organization, creating positive and trustworthy relationships among individuals (Toma et al., 2020). Social recognition can help the leader improve the company’s culture by establishing values throughout all processes and leading by example. Furthermore, the responsibility associated with others’ respect and admiration emphasizes the effects of one’s behaviors on the whole team. In this regard, an individual can improve everyone’s engagement by providing feedback and being approachable. Overall, social recognition contributes to the open and ethical behavior of the leader.

The Meaning and Purpose of Wisdom and Social Recognition concerning Leadership

The meaning of wisdom about leadership can be explained as responsible, well-informed, committed, and action-oriented decision-making. As noted by Toma et al. (2020), effective leadership involves the ability to implement practical knowledge to make judgments regarding what is yet unknown. In other words, the purpose of wisdom regarding leadership can be defined as being proactive and utilizing one’s intelligence and experience to make effective decisions in the long term.

In turn, the meaning of social recognition as it pertains to leadership can be defined as acknowledging and valuing others for their work and contribution. The purpose of this characteristic is to motivate the team, enhance the value system in the organization, and improve relationships by emphasizing collaboration and openness (Gilbert & Kelloway, 2018). Furthermore, social recognition creates a feeling of achievement and belonging in the company. As a result, all individuals feel valued and important, enhancing motivation and organizational outcomes.


To summarize, both wisdom and social recognition play an essential role in forming one’s leadership behaviors and actions. In this regard, these characteristics can contribute to a more effective approach to organizational processes. Wisdom and social recognition result in the leader’s proactive and engaging behavior, increased empathy, active listening, growth-oriented mindset, and trustworthy relationship with others. Overall, both concepts are essential for effective leadership as they share common values that can define the company’s success.


Gilbert, S. L., & Kelloway, E. K. (2018). Leadership, recognition and well‐being: A moderated mediational model. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue canadienne des sciences de l’administration, 35(4), 523-534.

Toma, S.-G., Catană, Ș., Grădinaru, C., & Zainea, L. N. (2020). Leadership and wisdom. Creativity and Innovation in Current Management, 31.

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StudyCorgi. "Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition." April 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-behaviors-wisdom-and-social-recognition/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Leadership Behaviors, Wisdom and Social Recognition." April 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-behaviors-wisdom-and-social-recognition/.

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