East Village Animal Hospital’s Humanitarian Alliance Program

The findings from surveys and focus groups have made it apparent that with the high rise in the cost of living it’s clear that the reduction of the cost in adoption of pets best suits individuals, especially the low-income persons, and with the rise in the number of domesticated pets, there is still a notable increase in the number of animals around the streets. Therefore, an occasion where those creatures are selected for adoption will help reduce their number in animal shelters and create an opportunity for the pets to have a new home.

Low-income persons, households, and many others obtaining welfare benefits can access veterinary services at East Village Animal Hospital. To significantly prevent animal overpopulation and the high attrition rates in local animal shelters, the East Village Animal Hospital endorses a Humanitarian Alliance program that encourages all pet owners to spay and neuter their pets before they reach the age of four.

Market data and evidence demonstrate that the proposed timings for the non-profit animal clinic to put up animals for adoption, reduce the cost of adoption, and ensure the appropriate documentation for the whole adoption procedure are all well in place (DiGangi et al., 2021). The management and execution of the adoption process have been assigned to the executive support team and the marketing team to ensure everything goes according to plan. This memo highlights the procedures the marketing and executive team have implemented that should be followed during the summer adoption. The remaining duties are being delegated to the staff to ensure the process is a huge success.

This year we have chosen the theme to be Summer Party since according to the East Village Animal Hospital London it’s the season when most of the spraying and the neutering occurs for most canines and felines. Additionally, this season is also known as the breeding season for animals. During this period, we should take that opportunity to market the clinic, be involved with the community projects, and be helpful to the stray animals.

Through all this, we will create an environment where all our stray pets can be adopted, and as the number of the rescued animals increases in the shelter and on the streets, we will try to reduce its number by selling them at a lower price. The marketing department will ensure that the adoption procedures are followed to the letter, and we will be able to maximize the exposure of our clinic to our customer base. Besides being a non-profit animal clinic, East Village Animal Hospital London requires revenue to operate and therefore ensuring that the procedures put in place during the adoption and sale of pets are significant in reducing strays from the streets and animal shelters.

By refocusing our advertising efforts on adopting these pets, we will be able to maximize the exposure of our establishment to our target market and therefore increase our sales. This year East Village Animal Hospital London will have a fantastic summer where all sprayed pets will be up for adoption, and there will be food, games, activities, and information available during the summer party. Overall, the implementation of the summer adoption program by the East Village Animal Hospital London requires all staffs’ integration and corporation for it to yield revenue and lead to adoption of as many pets as possible.


DiGangi, B. A., Craver, C., & Dolan, E. D. (2021). Incidence and predictors of canine parvovirus diagnoses in puppies relocated for adoption. Animals, 11(4), 1064. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "East Village Animal Hospital’s Humanitarian Alliance Program." June 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/east-village-animal-hospitals-humanitarian-alliance-program/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "East Village Animal Hospital’s Humanitarian Alliance Program." June 15, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/east-village-animal-hospitals-humanitarian-alliance-program/.

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