Economics of Happiness, Hunger, and Famine


At a present stage of social and economic development of the world community still it is very important to achieve the reliable maintenance of the population of globe with food stuffs. The foodstuffs constantly acts as a necessary and uncontested part of fund of vital means, and increase for whatever reasons its deficiency is fairly perceived as the disaster demanding fast actions.

Main Text

It is naturally, that the food problem has old historical roots and at the aggravation inevitably generated on all continents serious threat to health and the existence of their inhabitants, and also to normal functioning of an economic mechanism. It has got nowadays the global importance for the reasons of humanistic property and by virtue of integrity of the modern world where famine and undernourishment still are widely kept, struggle with which is interconnected with so hard and actual problem of overcoming of economic backwardness of former colonies and dependent territories.

The basic reason of the scale food difficulties observable during last decades, became structural internal disproportions in national systems of food maintenance in developing countries. From here as a result presence of “scissors” between a market demand and the offer for the main food stuffs. The powerful role in the given process belongs to a urbanization. It first of all defines formation of new standards of food consumption and causes shifts in structure of a feed in favor of “international” products (Evensky, 2005).

The international sounding gives to a food problem also that circumstance, that its strong decision cannot be reached the isolated efforts of the separate countries from which well adjusted cooperation without dependence from public in them public and political systems is required.

Now in the world, probably, there is no state in which manufacture, distribution and foreign trade in the foodstuffs would not be serious care of the central authorities. And in this respect considered problem too acts really planetary in spite of the fact that one countries collide with chronic lack of food stuffs, of others the current purpose became qualitative improvement of a diet to approach it to scientifically proved norms, and the some people are compelled even “to struggle” with surpluses of made products and illnesses of the population caused by their superfluous consumption.

The saved up centuries-old experience testifies, that the problem represents the synthetic phenomenon which is not closed by frameworks of actually public reproduction and demands wider approaches. The meal, in the fundamental principle belonging an inhabitancy, is used already as a product of culture and in this sense will neutralize opposition within the limits of system “nature-culture”, borrowing in it intermediate, transitive position. And at that completely not minor to what the term occurring in classical geography ” a civilization of rice ” in which rice possesses a leading place not only in a feed testifies, for example, but also in all complex of spiritual communication between people and the world of the nature.

Shortage of food stuffs accompanied with mankind on all extent of its history. In mythology of Indians of Central America there was a deity of famine, and owing to texts of Codes Maya and to sacred books of ancient inhabitants of region, legends, rituals, religious sacral symbolic we can judge that outstanding role which belonged to its main food culture – to corn.

However the tendency of obvious, basic improvement of a situation has extended only on separate regions, led to sharp territorial differentiation of the world in a level of maintenance and consumption of the foodstuffs.

It started to be obvious after a victory of industrial revolution over the countries of the West and has been aggravated during a time of becoming of colonial empires. The problem of overcoming of the developed break still is far from the sanction, and deficiency of the foodstuffs continues to remain until now, according to opinion widely occurring in scientific books, more serious danger, than rather “young” universal problems – pollution of an inhabitancy and an exhaustion resources. It was not casual still earlier the conclusion is made, that the history of mankind always was history of struggle for a daily bread.

These bitter and emotional words, nevertheless, are rather disputable, and contrary to them it was wrongful to expect other: primary abundance of food stuffs fatally would doom people to remain to stages of appropriating economy, being content with collecting, hunting and fishery (Evensky, 2005).

With a sufficient degree of accuracy to characterize a global food problem difficultly as basic calculations are dependent on chosen criteria, it is inevitable rather conditional. First of all, it is difficult to establish “average” in scale of all planet norm of a feed for zones and regions of the Earth by virtue of the objective reasons differ on power consumption, human life demanded for maintenance.

The hungry diet causing as a result physical degradation of an organism, contains less than 1000 kcal a day; it receive, according to estimations having a wide scatter, from 500 million up to 800 million people. In calculations of the United Nations on 1990 this figure has made 785 million person. In the world chronic undernourishment by which it is captured 1,5 billion the person, 1000-1800 kcal on a regular basis receiving only a day is widespread.

It represents now more serious threat on globe, than famine in old sense of a word which was caused by separate crop failures and amazed localized, though often extensive and density populated areas. Probably, that under the term “undernourishment” it is rational to understand not only the general high-calorie insufficiency of a feed, but also specifically albuminous.

In this respect contrast between industrially developed and developing countries is especially evident and great: In the first daily consumption of fibers per capita makes nearby 100 g from which over 50 % fall to fibers of an animal origin; for the third world these parameters are equaled according to the little more than 50 g and approximately 20 %. Protein starvation can arise at insufficient caloric content of food even if it is balanced on fibers as their part then is used in an organism as an energy source. As a result, if a feed bad quality, 30-40 % of fibers against 50-60 % in case of maintenance with a high-grade diet are acquired only.

Economics of Happiness, Hunger, and Famine

From obvious activization in second half XX century of attention to a food problem as the global phenomenon is not followed with a rectilinear conclusion what exactly last decades the mankind has collided with especially strong shortage of food stuffs. Still the League of the Nations (the progenitrix of the United Nations) recited in 1928, that 2/3 population of a planet test famine and undernourishment; according to FAO, proceeding all the same, probably, from less rigid criteria, in developing countries in 70th 36 % of inhabitants chronically undernourishment, and later 20 years the figure has decreased up to 20 %.

This indisputable achievement should not cover that circumstance, that in the world die annually of famine about 13-18 million person, from them there is a great number of children. So, inspections of the World organization of public health services in Latin America have shown, that half of cases of death of children in the age of till 5 years directly or is indirectly connected with a bad feed. Correlation between, on the one hand, consumption level of fiber and calories and, with other, infantile death rate is precisely traced (Evensky, 2005).

At the same time shortage peep as an occasion for a lethal outcome it is fixed, and that only partially, only at sharp famine which is observed, for example, last years in Somalia. At its latent, latent character as to Bangladesh, the weakened organism becomes a victim of any illness which is registered by statistics as the actual reason of death. Therefore to define strictly quantitatively influence of starvation and undernourishment on a parameter of death rate and life expectancy while it is impossible. Break in a level of health services of the population and in sanitary-and-hygienic conditions is complicated also with direct comparisons of the countries which are being at different steps of social and economic development.

The World food conference called by General Assembly of the United Nations Organization and authorized to develop a way and means by means of which the international community as a whole could make concrete measures for the decision of the world food problem in wider frameworks of development and the international economic cooperation is approved by the resolution 3348 (XXIX) General Assemblies from December, 17th, 1974, accepts the following Declaration:


Recognizing, that

  1. Sharp food crisis which with special force has amazed people of developing countries where the most part of a starving and undernourishment world’s population lives and where more than two thirds of population of all world make about the third part of the world foodstuffs – discrepancy which threatens with the further deterioration within the next ten years, – not only is fraught with serious social and economic consequences, but also puts under serious threat the main principles and the values connected with the right for a life and human advantage, as it is represented in the General declaration of human rights;
  2. Liquidation of famine and the undernourishment, stipulated as one of the purposes of the Declaration of social progress and development, and liquidation of the reasons causing occurrence of similar position, are the general problem of all countries;
  3. Position of people mentioned by famine and undernourishment, is consequence of historical conditions of their life, especially social inequality, including in many cases foreign and colonial domination, foreign occupation, a racial discrimination, apartheid and neo-colonialism in its all forms which continue to remain among the basic obstacles in a way of full clearing and progress of developing countries and their people;
  4. similar position last years has worsened as a result of some crises taken place in economic, such, as deterioration of a condition of the international currency system; inflationary growth of charges on import; the heavy burden caused by external debts in the balance of payments of many developing countries; a growing demand for the foodstuffs, shown partially in connection with influence of demographic problems; gamble, and also shortage and the increased cost of the basic means of conducting an agriculture (Evensky, 2005).
  5. these questions should be considered within the limits of negotiations spent now on the Charter of the economic rights and duties of the states, and General Assembly of the United Nations Organization it is necessary urgently to call to come to a common opinion and to accept this Charter which is the effective tool in an establishment of the new international economic attitudes which are based principles of equality and validity;
  6. all the countries, greater and small, rich or poor, are equal in rights. All the countries possess the full right of participation in the decision of a food problem;
  7. well-being of nations of the world substantially depends on an establishment of system of the world food safety which would provide corresponding presence of the foodstuffs and the reasonable prices for it at any time, irrespective of periodic fluctuations and change of weather conditions, and also from political and economic pressure, and should facilitate thus, besides other, development of developing countries;
  8. the world and validity comprise development of economy, promoting the decision of world economic problems, liquidation of insufficient development, offering the strong and final decision of a problem of the foodstuffs for all people and guaranteeing all countries the right of free and effective performance of their programs of development. For this purpose it is necessary to finish with threats and application of force and to promote fuller cooperation of the states, to apply principles of non-interference to internal affairs of other states, to provide full equality of the rights and respect of national independence and the sovereignty, and also to encourage peace cooperation of all states, irrespective of their political, social and economic systems. The further improvement of the international attitudes will create the best conditions for the international cooperation in all areas that will allow to use greater financial and material resources, among other, for development of an agricultural production and significant improvement of the international food safety;
  9. for the concrete and reliable sanction of a food problem it is necessary to use the best efforts, directed on reduction of an increasing break which divides today the developed and developing countries, and also on development of the new international economic order. It is necessary to create conditions that all the countries actively and effectively participated in new international economic attitudes by creation of the corresponding international systems, capable to carry out corresponding measures with the purpose of an establishment of fair and equal in rights attitudes in trade and the international economic cooperation;
  10. developing countries confirm the belief that the basic responsibility for maintenance of their own fast development depends on them. Therefore they declare the readiness to continue to make active the individual and collective efforts with a view of expansion of mutual cooperation in the field of agricultural development and manufacture of the foodstuffs, including liquidation of famine and undernourishment;
  11. as many developing countries by virtue of the various reasons not always are capable to satisfy the food needs, it is necessary to undertake urgent and effective international measures for rendering of the help which is not accompanied by political pressure by it.

According to the purposes and problems of the Declaration on an establishment of the new international economic order and the Program of the actions, accepted by General Assembly at its sixth special session.

Conference solemnly proclaims

  1. Everyone the man, the woman and the child possess an inalienable law to be free for famine and undernourishment for full development and preservation physical and mental faculties. The modern society already possesses sufficient resources, organizational opportunities, technics and, hence, in a condition to reach this purpose. In appropriate way, liquidation of famine is the general duty of all countries of the international community, in particular the developed countries and the countries, capable to assist.
  2. The basic duty of the governments is teamwork in a direction of increase in manufacture of the foodstuffs, and also more fair and effective distribution of the foodstuffs between the countries and inside of them. The governments should start immediately more coordinated actions against chronic undernourishment and the diseases which are taking place among the poorest and vulnerable groups of the population. With a view of maintenance of a corresponding feed the governments should develop the corresponding policy for all in the field of the foodstuffs and the feed, integrated in the general plans of social and economic and agricultural development which are based the corresponding information concerning the cash and potential foodstuffs. The great value of parent milk in this connection should be allocated, proceeding from the concept of a feed (Banerjee, 2006).
  3. Food problems should be considered during preparation and realization of national plans and programs of economic and social development with a stress on their humane aspects.
  4. A duty of each interested state according to its sovereign reasons and the internal legislation are removal of obstacles on ways of manufacture of the foodstuffs and maintenance of appropriate stimulus for farmers. Prime role in achievement of these purposes effectual measures of social and economic reorganization by means of change of policy in the field of an agriculture, the taxation, the credit and capital investments, and also reorganization of structure of rural areas by means of such measures, as play change of conditions of possession, mobilization of all potential of manpower resources, both women, and men in developing countries with a view of the integrated agricultural development, and also involving of small farmers, fishermen and landless workers with a view of achievement of demanded manufacture of the foodstuffs and employment. Besides it is necessary to recognize a key role of women in an agricultural production and rural economy of many countries, and also to provide, that corresponding training, the program of expansion and financial opportunities were accessible to women on equal terms with men.
  5. Resources of the sea and the internal rivers become today as never the important sources of the foodstuffs and economic prosperity. Therefore should be taken the measures directed on assistance to rational use of these resources, mainly for consumption by their person to promote satisfaction of food needs of all people.
  6. The efforts directed on increase of manufacture of the foodstuffs, should be supplemented with all possible measures with a view of prevention of irrational use of the foodstuffs in its all forms(Banerjee, 2006).
  7. To stimulate manufacture of the foodstuffs in developing countries, and in particular in the least developed among them, to the developed and other countries capable to rendering assistance, it is necessary to take urgent and effective international measures to give to them the significant additional technical or financial help on favorable terms and in volume, sufficient for satisfaction of their needs, on the basis of bilateral and multilateral agreements. This help should not be accompanied by the conditions contradicting the sovereignty of the states-addressees.
  8. All the countries, mainly advanced in the industrial attitude, should promote perfection of the “know-how” of the foodstuffs and use the best efforts, directed on assistance to transfer, introduction and distribution of the corresponding “know-how” of the foodstuffs in favor of developing countries, and with this purpose they, in particular, should use the best efforts on distribution of results of their research work between the governments and scientific institutes of developing countries so that they could promote stable agricultural development.
  9. For maintenance of corresponding preservation of natural resources which are used or can be used for manufacture of the foodstuffs, all the countries should cooperate to facilitate preservation of the environment, including a sea environment.
  10. All the developed and other countries capable to rendering assistance, should cooperate in the field of technics and the finance with developing countries in their efforts directed on expansion of the grounds and water resources for an agricultural production, and also maintenance of fast growth of opportunities of reception on fair conditions of means of an agricultural production, such, as fertilizers and other chemicals, high-quality seeds, credits and technics. In this connection also represents importance cooperation between developing countries (Banerjee, 2006).
  11. All the states should make the maximal efforts directed on reorganization as required of agricultural policy to pay prime attention, to manufacture of the foodstuffs, recognizing in this connection interdependence of a world food problem and international trade. In definition of the approach to programs of assistance to farms for internal manufacture of the foodstuffs the developed countries should consider interests of developing countries – exporters of the foodstuffs to avoid negative consequences for their export. Besides all the countries should cooperate with the purpose of development of effectual measures under the sanction of a problem of stabilization of the world markets and assistance to the fair and favourable prices, in case of need by means of the international agreements, improvement of access on the markets by reduction or liquidations of tariff and not tariff barriers which exist concerning the products which are of interest developing countries, substantial growth of export receipts of these countries, assistance in diversification of their export, and also to apply in relation to them in multilateral trading negotiations principles,
  12. As the general duty of all international community is maintenance of presence at any time necessary world deliveries of the basic food stuffs by maintenance of corresponding stocks, including emergency rations, all the countries should cooperate in creation of effective system of maintenance of world food safety.

All the countries-donors should accept and carry out the concept of preliminary planning of food aid and use the best efforts with a view of granting the raw goods and-or the financial help which will provide necessary quantity of grain and other articles of food. It is the extremely important to take urgent measures. Therefore Conference calls all people to express the will, both in the personal plan, and through the governments and the nongovernmental organizations to work in common to put an end to long-term disaster which represents famine.


Evensky Jerry (2005).

Adam Smith’s Moral Philosophy: A Historical and Contemporary Perspective on Markets, Law, Ethics, and Culture (Historical Perspectives on Modern Economics), Cambridge University Press.

Banerjee Abhijit Vinayak, Benabou Roland, Mookherjee Dilip (2006).

Understanding Poverty, Oxford University Press, USA.

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