Effectiveness of Curfews in Keeping Adolescents Safe


It is hard to disagree that parents usually want the best for their children, and the safety and well-being of their kids are the primary focus of mothers, fathers, and other guardians. Unfortunately, teenagers may encounter many risks and dangers, so it is the responsibility of the authorities and parents to reduce these risks and keep children safe. Kids and adolescents must feel certain boundaries set by experienced adults. Otherwise, society may expect increases in juvenile delinquency, pregnancy, mortality, alcohol and drug use, and morbidity. One way for adults to restrict teenagers’ activities is to have curfews and clearly indicate the legal time for children to be outside. However, there is still an ongoing debate about whether curfews are actually effective for keeping adolescents out of trouble. While statistics may show that this method does not lower juvenile crime rates, research proves that curfews increase kids’ safety and non-involvement in criminal activities and troubles.

Curfews Can Instill Values and Boundaries

To begin with, it is essential to say that one additional effect of curfews is that they allow children and teenagers to develop necessary skills and qualities that will further make their lives safer. In other words, precisely having a strictly limited period of outside time and needing to return home no later than a certain hour makes adolescents more disciplined (Ma). They also become more aware in those cases when the need for the curfew is explained by teachers, parents, or authorities (Ma). Further, according to researchers, curfews make kids respect the law, manage their time better, and be responsible for their attitudes and choices (Carrasco). The latter statement refers to teenagers’ right to decide whether to obey the limit or not. The second option is also important for developing children’s independence and is a way for parents and their kids to manage their relationships and trust (Carrasco). As a result, most adolescents become more aware and disciplined and learn to care about the feelings of their guardians by consciously avoiding potential threats and troubles.

Curfews Help Reduce Crime Rates

Another significant indicator of the effectiveness of curfews in keeping teenagers safe from dangers is statistics. While available data regarding the correlation between the introduction of curfews and rises or decreases in crime rates are contradictory, and both sides of the debate use various statistics, some numbers prove the need for curfews. For example, as noticed by Pantiere, limits can successfully minimize premarital sex and juvenile crime (7). Thus, Pantiere indicates that “17% of teens reported engaging in some minor delinquency crimes such as theft, underage drinking, truancy, arson, and robbery,” and “approximately 42 % of teenagers reported that they have had sex (7). What proves the effectiveness of curfews is that these numbers “reduced to 11% and 30%, respectively,” when the limits were implemented (7). Consequently, this intervention, introduced either by the government or individual households, helps at least in fighting against the involvement of adolescents and small children in crimes like the aforementioned ones. What is more, the rates of teenage pregnancy are also under more strict and successful control.

No Chances to Get Involved in Troubles

One should find it significant that curfews are needed to protect children and teenagers in general, not only from their direct involvement in criminal activities. Night hours are known for the presence of drunk drivers, drug and arms dealers, and other individuals who want to hide from the law (Healthy Children). Therefore, if adolescents are alone on the street during the curfew period, it is more likely that they will get in trouble. They can be hit by a car that drives without following the rules. It is also possible for teenagers to get into an argument with an inadequate crowd of drug addicts, alcoholics, or other asocial individuals (Healthy Children). Consequently, even those kids and teenagers who simply want to enjoy the night walk and do not plan to commit a crime such as theft, alcohol drinking, or other prohibited acts may face specific troubles (Carrasco). At the same time, if these children are at home, they are safe, proving the effectiveness of the measure under discussion.

Parents Have More Chances to Protect Their Child

Unfortunately, it also happens that a teenager gets accused of committing or being involved in any act or crime at night hours, and it becomes the task of parents to protect him or her. However, in cases where the child was not at home during the curfew, such a task becomes quite challenging. When guardians cannot guarantee the location of their adolescent, it is much more difficult to learn whether he or she was actually involved in the crime (Ma). At the same time, the process becomes much easier if the child respects the law and stays at home during the curfew. In this case, if any misunderstanding happens, his or her parents do not have to spend money or time to prove their kid’s innocence (Healthy Children). They can simply indicate their child’s presence at home and secure their non-involvement in the action under question. Additionally, it is always more comfortable for parents to know that their son or daughter is safe during the night hours.

Curfews Are Counterproductive

As mentioned above, not all people agree with the statement of curfews’ efficiency. One of such persons’ main arguments is that such limitations and control measures destroy the mutual trust between adults and children. As noticed by Ma, teenagers begin to feel that their actions are doubted, they are not considered aware or responsible enough, and their parents only want to control them. Consequently, in order to rebel, these kids may want to break the law and be outside during the curfew simply to prove their independence. While this argument is quite logical, it can be refuted. In these cases, the fault is not in curfews in general but in the inability of particular parents to explain the need for this measure. Guardians have to make sure that their adolescents understand that the problem is in other individuals who are uncontrolled during the night hours (Healthy Children). If children know that they are not the ones their parents do not trust, they will not lose this connection with their mothers and fathers.


To draw a conclusion, one may say that society is unlikely to end its debate regarding this topic and come to a universal opinion. There is considerable evidence proving the actual efficiency and success of the introduced measure. Curfews tend to keep the majority of kids and adolescents at home, increasing their responsibility and awareness. What is more, the fewer children are outside during the night hours, the less likely antisocial individuals have to hurt young and unprotected teenagers. While some people are ensured that curfews make it impossible for parents and their children to have mutual trust and respect, this measure only strengthens this adult-kid connection and keeps adolescents out of trouble.

Works Cited

Carrasco, Rajna Coleen. “Developing Local Youth Justice Programs Through the Implementation of Curfew.” Ascendens Asia Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, vol. 3, no. 2, 2019.

Healthy Children. “Staying Out Late & Curfews.” Healthy Children.org, 2016.

Ma, Joanne. “Face Off: Are Curfews an Effective Way to Keep Teenagers Safe and Out of Trouble?” South China Morning Post, 2019.

Pantiere, Shenelle O. Impact of Curfew on Minors as It Relates to Premarital Sex Prevention and Juvenile Delinquency Risk. 2020. North Carolina Central U, PhD dissertation.

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StudyCorgi. "Effectiveness of Curfews in Keeping Adolescents Safe." June 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-curfews-in-keeping-adolescents-safe/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Effectiveness of Curfews in Keeping Adolescents Safe." June 10, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/effectiveness-of-curfews-in-keeping-adolescents-safe/.

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