Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance


The PhET circuit for the lab requires building a circuit using a 9V battery, 10Ω resistor, light bulb, and connecting wire as labeled above before taking measurements. The battery and the resistor measured 9.00 V because the circuit was open. There is no loss of potential from the source maintained at a fully charged 9.00V. The wire connecting the light bulb was measured and the circuit’s one round trip measured 0.00 V as the circuit is open and there is no current flow.

After the Change to 100 ohms Resister

The increased resistance means that it takes more potential energy for the electrons to flow, resulting in reduced current flow at 100 ohms resistance compared to the 10 ohms resistor. Two-wire connection battery reading is 0.000V, while the six-wire connection battery reading is 0.008V. The voltages change due to the varying lengths of wires that affect the circuit resistance. The longer the wire connects the battery to the bulb, the more resistance builds in the circuit.

Two Battery and Two Bulb Circuit

The voltage variation shows that the circuit current is directly equivalent to potential electric variation and the circuit current is the inversely equivalent total resistance in the outward circuit. With the changes in resistivity from tiny to a lot, there will likely be higher rates of current flow and a drop in potential difference. In the findings, the length of the wire is directly proportional to resistance (Nilsson & Riedel, 2020). The shorter the length of the wire, the higher the speed of current flow, and vice versa is also true.

Important Findings

The experiments prove that longer wires create more resistance. Since electrons clash with more ions as they flow through the wires, more energy is required. The resistance of a long wire is larger than the resistance of a shorter wire. As such, resistance and wire length are proportional, affecting the current flow.


Nilsson, J. W., & Riedel, S. A. (2020). Electric circuits. Pearson.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance'. 25 May.

1. StudyCorgi. "Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance." May 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electric-potential-lab-longer-wires-create-more-resistance/.


StudyCorgi. "Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance." May 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electric-potential-lab-longer-wires-create-more-resistance/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Electric Potential Lab: Longer Wires Create More Resistance." May 25, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/electric-potential-lab-longer-wires-create-more-resistance/.

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