Electronic Health Information Exchange

Innovative information technologies introduced to the healthcare setting have simultaneously simplified the process of managing patients’ need and complicated it. On the one hand, the control over patients’ personal data and security has increased; on the other hand, the lack of skills that nurses need to administer the necessary services with the help of innovative tools leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. Although as a patient, one might consider the changes made to the exile unnecessary, one will find that the specified tool has allowed keeping track of patients’ data much more effectively.

In addition, from a patient’s position, the integration of eHIE features into the modern nursing setting will minimize the problem of providing the necessary data to a new healthcare expert during the handover. Since a significant amount of data may be omitted during the process, causing a threat to the accuracy and efficacy of the new healthcare professional’s actions, the use of the eHIE is expected to improve the situation and eliminate the threat accordingly (Esmaeilzadeh & Mirzaei, 2019). Therefore, healthcare staff members should be highly encouraged to apply the specified tool to their hospital practice.

Finally, as a patient, one may conclude that the use of eHIE will help to avoid the instances of data leaks and the threat of personal information mismanagement. Previously, the adoption fo digital databases for storing patients’ personal information implied dealing with substantial risks. However, nowadays, with eHIE representing a closed and strongly protected system, the fear of personal data being exposed has become almost nonexistent (Shen et al., 2019). Overall, the adoption of the eHIE framework from a patient’s perspective is an essential step for hospitals toward improving their service quality. Due to the trustworthiness of the system, as well as its current capacity, it represents a significant improvement to the previous approach toward patient data management.


Esmaeilzadeh, P., & Mirzaei, T. (2019). The potential of blockchain technology for health information exchange: Experimental study from patients’ perspectives. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 21(6), 1-8. Web.

Shen, N., Sequeira, L., Silver, M. P., Carter-Langford, A., Strauss, J., & Wiljer, D. (2019). Patient privacy perspectives on health information exchange in a mental health context: Qualitative study. JMIR Mental Health, 6(11), 1-12. Web.

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