Nurses’ Participation in Implementing Electronic Health Records


Nowadays, electronic document flow is a rather common practice that helps to save both time and money. However, despite the popularity of such a method, there is still some controversy associated with it. Therefore, the use of electronic health records (EHRs) in clinical settings needs to be investigated from the standpoint of implementation. The significance of such an analysis is explained by the fact that technology requires further development. On the condition of the efficient arrangement of EHRs, the technology will satisfy the needs of nursing personnel, and its use will be convenient (Hood, 2014). It is necessary to arrange the productive implementation of EHRs so as to make the nurses’ work easier.

Nurses’ Participation in the Implementation of New Technologies

Based on numerous research studies, scholars have arrived at the conclusion that the EHR system has to be designed in close collaboration with nurses, physicians, and other medical staff (McGonigle, Hunter, Sipes, & Hebda, 2014). The reason for the inclusion of these specialists in the development of EHR programs is that these people are using the EHRs, and, consequently, they know what approaches are the most effective ones. Moreover, it is also a good idea to encourage patients to participate in such a system’s functioning.

When the opinion of the specialists in nursing informatics is taken into consideration, healthcare facility benefits greatly. The knowledge of these professionals allows hospitals to save valuable resources. Nurses can give advice on the fastest ways of arranging EHRs as well as methods of using them for obtaining data.

There is also a popular opinion that computer-literate patients should be invited to keep personal copies of EHRs. In such a way, the crucial data will be stored both at the hospital and in patients’ personal devices. Such measures will increase the safety of patient information.

The Benefits of Exchanging EHRs between Clinics

In urgent situations, minutes or even seconds may count and can save patients’ lives. In order to make healthcare services more accessible and faster, it is necessary to establish a bureaucracy-free process of EHR exchange. If clinics obtain mutual access to EHRs, the quality of services will become much better.

Cloud services may become a prominent technology for data storage and exchange. Moreover, it is possible to organize a state-wide unified database of EHRs. Such an approach will enable medical specialists to have access to patient information always available and easily accessible.

There is a need for the active involvement of nurses in the process of EHR policy formation (McGonigle et al., 2014). These specialists can provide insight into the peculiarities of technology application. Also, they can suggest the best ways of implementing EHRs in hospitals. According to McGonigle et al. (2014), nurses should understand the relation of nursing informatics to their area of expertise.


In the world of developing technologies, every sphere of public services should make the most use of innovations. In the healthcare system, the most efficient novelty is the implementation of electronic health records. While the benefits of EHRs are obvious, there is still a need for extended planning before introducing this technology into clinical facilities. The quality and speed of services may be increased due to interprofessional collaboration, making EHRs a user-friendly, safe, and effective method of storing data. By arranging access to EHRs from different clinics, the healthcare system will enhance the effectiveness of services and raise patient satisfaction levels.


Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

McGonigle, D., Hunter, K., Sipes, C., & Hebda, T. (2014). Why nurses need to understand nursing informatics. Association of Operating Room Nurses. AORN Journal, 100(3), 324-327. 

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