Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann

Demonstration of skills, knowledge, or techniques is a section of public speaking in which persuasiveness, credibility, and effectiveness are paramount. A demonstration should be organized so that the audience can gain new knowledge and subsequently apply it. The speaker’s task is to effectively convey the material and accompany the audience to the point where the material becomes native. One example of a compelling demonstration is the Myles Odermann video, which refers to CPR skills training.

CPR is a set of measures to stimulate cardiac and respiratory activity in the event of a cardiac arrest. The video does an excellent job because it contains important and relevant information. Odermann saturates his speech with the right words, highlighting them and focusing the audience’s attention on them. He uses a delivery technique: first, he explains his actions and then shows each moment (Odermann). It allows the audience to focus on the critical details and understand their purpose. The video is also not very long, so the viewer gets the information quickly and accessible, which is also an indicator of effective demonstrative speaking. The effectiveness of emotional speech is also determined by how logical the speaker’s address is. In the case analyzed, Odermann is consistent and follows generally accepted standards of care. It makes his speech good and accessible to every viewer, allowing new material to be received and absorbed.

Thus, a demonstrative speech is a persuasive performance in which the person communicates new material to the audience. In the analyzed address of Myles Odermann, the elements of a practical demonstration were found: logic, confidence, and explanation of the order of actions. Consequently, the speech was persuasive and valuable to the audience, which means that the purpose of the demonstration – teaching new material – was achieved.

Work Cited

CPR Demonstration Speech”. YouTube, uploaded by Myles Odermann. 2014. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, January 17). Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-cpr-demonstration-speech-by-myles-odermann/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann'. 17 January.

1. StudyCorgi. "Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann." January 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-cpr-demonstration-speech-by-myles-odermann/.


StudyCorgi. "Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann." January 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-cpr-demonstration-speech-by-myles-odermann/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann." January 17, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/elements-of-cpr-demonstration-speech-by-myles-odermann/.

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