Employee Relationships From a Biblical Perspective


It is no secret that good, strong, and stable working relationships between colleagues, subordinates, and leaders of organizations provide a solid foundation for implementing productive work, effective results, and high achievements. It should be noted that the biblical motives, commandments, and dogmas, in this case, act as a “catalyst” in the process of creating positive social and professional connections between individuals. Building relationships with employees from a biblical point of view is one of the important and significant elements for achieving cooperation, mutual understanding, equity, trust, respect, and friendliness in the work environment.


Primarily, it should be remarked that the Bible is more replete with bright and unique ideas within the framework of workplace relations and the form of employee interactions. Spiritual Bible lessons are a source of knowledge and inspiration for millions of people that can be applied in the modern business world (Woolfe, 2002). The sacred texts give a clear understanding of the competent and correct interaction between both “ordinary” employees and management. For instance, according to “Ephesians 6:5-8,” even though slavery has been abolished, a person must follow the leadership’s instructions and respect and appreciate their chief as if they were Jesus Christ (King James Version Bible, 1988). Furthermore, from the point of view of “Hebrews 10:24-25”, workers should unite, encouraging each other to love and do good deeds (King James Version Bible, 1988). Thus, no matter how difficult this path may seem to people because they need to learn the authentic “language of love” of the Lord, without which it is almost impossible to achieve close relationships, trust, respect, and other good moments.

Consequently, if people in the depths of their hearts do not have trust in God, if they even try to hide the truth about themselves from God, their relationships with other people will also lack trust and openness, and without this, there can be no genuine relationship. Hence, “1 John 4:7-8” says: “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God” (King James Version Bible, 1988). Thus, according to Brown (2011), in any effective team, employees are open and honest with each other. There is an atmosphere of harmony, unanimity, and a high degree of cooperation and interaction in them. In this case, “Romans 12:10” says: Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves” (King James Version Bible, 1988). Accordingly, employees should be “brotherly,” attentive and hospitable, and kind and compassionate. It is written in the Bible that unity, love, and humility in the context of working relationships are clear evidence of a God-loving Christian character. Such a character cannot be had or formed without the Spirit of God dwelling in people and helping them act as Lord Jesus Christ.


Based on the details mentioned earlier, it should be stated that building relationships with employees based on biblical principles, concepts, and motives is the key to fruitful, productive, and effective work through the prism of mutual understanding, respect, friendliness, fair treatment and a number of other equally important aspects. Sacred texts teach workers to unite in a team, helping and supporting each other not only with advice but also with a good deed. Moreover, regardless of the employee’s position, whether a manager or a subordinate, one must treat an individual with consideration and respect. Observing these principles, people will be able to achieve success, well-being, and prosperity in a working environment.


Brown, D.R. (2011). An experiential approach to organization development (8th ed.) Pearson Prentice Hall.

King James Version Bible. (1988). B. B. Kirkbride Bible Company Inc. (Original work published 1769).

Woolfe, L. (2002). The Bible on leadership. AMACOM Books.

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StudyCorgi. "Employee Relationships From a Biblical Perspective." October 1, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/employee-relationships-from-a-biblical-perspective/.


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