Energy Sustainability and Its Key Issues

Energy sustainability is becoming the most urgent socio-environmental problem, among other aspects of energy development. Almost 80% of the world’s energy production depends on fossil fuels, which leave a deep imprint on the environment (Ghobakhloo & Fathi, 2021). Consequently, energy systems need a lot of theoretical and practical understanding of energy sustainability to solve the issue. Nowadays, those systems are designed and analyzed by sustainable tools that can be offered to develop energy prospects. Thus, sustainability in the system becomes one of the most important aspects of establishing the system’s operation.

Energy sustainability greatly affects the performance of the system. The ever-growing demand for energy worldwide is being met by the increased consumption of fossil fuels (Ghobakhloo & Fathi, 2021), and the use of sustainable energy would help to avoid the negative consequences of this trend. Environmental aspects often affect the use of inexhaustible natural resources but do not always provide ways to use them. Thus, resorting to sustainable energy without concepts, case studies, and illustrative examples can significantly slow overall productivity. This conclusion proves that this aspect greatly impacts the system’s successful performance without further errors and lags.

One of the most important aspects slowing down the introduction of sustainable energy is the lack of appropriate ways to optimize power. Many implementation methods that can be resorted to may be considered new and experimental. As a result, unfamiliar concepts in work can lead to large time costs with a logical slowdown of the project. Nevertheless, theoretical knowledge can be used to improve the situation. Energy sustainability is a hot topic for discussion in the scientific community. Due to this, a large research base is provided, which makes it easier to solve the problems of introducing methods into energy systems.


Ghobakhloo, M., & Fathi, M. (2021). Industry 4.0 and opportunities for energy sustainability. Journal of Cleaner Production, 295, 1-126427.

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