Ethical Behavior During Research Process

Ethical misconduct is a serious issue that continues to affect scientific research. I believe falsification, plagiarism, and other research ethics violations are crimes against world science. Although many programs can recognize borrowing, there are still many aspects of scientific papers in which dishonest researchers can violate ethical standards. It is a massive problem because it leads to false results, undermines the credibility of honest research, and violates intellectual property principles.

Research ethics violations are under great scrutiny by the scientific community. They almost always become apparent after a certain period due to various checking systems (Foltýnek et al., 2019). It is especially true for ambitious works that attract public attention. Violation of research principles necessarily leads to discrediting the image of the researcher. Moreover, frequent violations of research ethics in the scientific environment lead to a gradual devaluation of scientific papers.

There is no one way to defend my research work’s ethics. Nevertheless, I will adhere to a few principles that will help me show its uniqueness and reliability. First, there is the principle that plagiarism can be avoided with absolute certainty. Every written symbol of the work must be typed by the author personally, and copying must be avoided (Amer, 2018). In some cases, direct citation is necessary, but in general, one should remember the principle that one should not copy information from anywhere. The data of anti-plagiarism programs, which can protect the honor of the researcher, can serve as protection for the submitted work.

Secondly, a good research paper is distinguished by the fact that it has many attachments. This non-obvious attribute was identified by me while studying other people’s research papers. According to this principle, the list of references, attachments, and supplements to the work should be sufficient to justify each word written. It is common to observe research papers in which the authors refer to survey data not published anywhere or huge papers with two to three references in the list.

In conclusion, violating research ethics harms the author, the community, and the value of scientific research in the public’s eyes. To prove my research integrity, I will rely on two principles. First, I will avoid plagiarism and produce original texts and research, appropriately citing and referencing other authors’ thoughts and findings. Next, I will provide exhaustive additional data to keep the study transparent and informative.


Amer, N. M., Monir, Z., Hafez, S. F., Mostafa, S., Mahdy-Abdallah, H., & Saleh, M. S. (2018). Falsification of type at work: Assessment of prevalence and investigation of predictors. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 6(10), 1924. Web.

Foltýnek, T., Meuschke, N., & Gipp, B. (2019). Academic plagiarism detection: A systematic literature review. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 52(6), 1-42. Web.

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