Ethical Lens in Developing Moral Competence


According to the golden rule, one should treat others how one wants to be treated in return. As a philosophical theory, the law of gold can be used to direct your actions in various situations, and many organizations throughout history have devised it. We will go into greater detail on this topic in the upcoming article. In moral philosophy, values are a wide phrase that stresses character roles and qualities rather than doing human work or accomplishing anything. Professional ethics would likely tell you to “be realistic in your expectations.” These qualities will continue functioning as intended as long as they have been formed and nurtured. Sometimes, a nice person acts kindly because it’s his nature and not because he’s trying to get a raise, get grace, or do his job. Ethics theories, unlike deontological and consequentialist theories, are not primarily concerned with identifying universal principles that can be used in any moral circumstance.


It is currently one of the three most common forms of general behavior. A method that stresses virtue or moral character, rather than a system that promotes works or rules (deontology), may at first appear to focus on virtue (consequentialism). Let’s say someone is in dire need of assistance. Deontologist-type doctors will point to the fact that doing so is following the code of conduct, such as “Do to others as you would have them do to you” and ethics in that aiding someone might be beneficial or kind as justification for the action. The Golden Rule, on the other hand, can help you become more resilient as a leader and as a company. Setting and maintaining a moral standard can help convince others to do the same. This simplifies the process of deciding how to treat individuals in various scenarios.


Over time, several cultures and societies have emphasized the importance of following the golden rule as a fundamental tenet. The following examples show how many philosophers have proposed relativism. A Chinese philosopher named Confucius. To avoid doing anything you don’t want to be done to you, don’t do it to someone else. Treat others the way you want to be treated. The standards of good manners, on the other hand, do not guide how to act since there are no specific rules to lead an action other than to act like a nice person to do so.


Personal Requirements

Practical wisdom, or sound moral judgment, is the most significant virtue since it illuminates the significance of all other virtues. Products, services, and information should not conflict with external assets like money, power, and reputation to avoid conflicts of interest between them (Harris, 2020). The interior is possible because of performance criteria. External assets, whether they are individuals or organizations, might put internal assets at risk. John Locke proposed the idea of a rights-based ethical system.

Ethical Point of View

To achieve an ethical point of view, one must transcend self-centeredness in their thinking and how they see the world. If someone did it to you, how would you feel about it? That’s the question Thomas Nagel once asked. That’s a good heuristic to have. However, I’m open to recommendations. As an alternative, we should ask, “How would you wish it (or her) to be?” 1 Another approach to applying the Golden Rule is asking Nagel’s question, which provides a means to think about other people. The moral compass is found in the question, “How would you like to be?” It also serves as a nice reminder of the virtues of the character. The Golden Rule leads us from “I” to “you” or perhaps “you” in Buber’s understanding, which is the first person’s attitude of caring for the “second person.”


In conclusion, to be morally upright is a choice, even when presented with numerous options. Absolutism is another name for this school of thought, also known as deontology. As a result, it is up to Luke to abide by the fundamental guidelines. Goodwill is the ability to labor only for the sake of working and for no other purpose. Only following the rules, can you also be compelled to follow as a universal law is the section’s central rule.


Cueni, D. &. (2021). Whence the Demand for Ethical Theory. American Philosophical Quarterly,, 58(2), 135-146.

Harris, H. (. (2020). Teaching ethical theory and developing moral competence. In Educating for Ethical Survival. Emerald Publishing Limited. Retrieved from

West, D. H. (2016). Putting an ethical lens on learning analytics. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(5), 903-922.

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