Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use

Why do not we do evidenced-based nursing?

Recent researches prove that evidence-based practice significantly improves client outcomes. However, the results of the survey point out that nurses fail to implement evidence-based practices because nursing leaders are considered to have some barriers or show resistance. The fundamental reason for the leaders not to implement evidence-based practices is a problem with corporate culture and the desire to eliminate changes. There are certain steps that are directed to the improvement of the situation, namely:

  1. Education;
  2. Access to information;
  3. Support of the organization.

Evidence-based practice helps to decrease costs on healthcare significantly. Moreover, it has a positive impact on outcomes and the client’s complications.

Should physicians be involved in this initiative in an ICU?

The implementation of evidence-based practice in the working process of ICU will reduce the mortality rate and improve the quality of service delivered to the patients. In addition, evidence-based practice reduces costs by almost 30% (Logani, Green, & Gasperino, 2011). Thus, physicians in ICU should implement evidence-based practice in order to enhance clinical performance.

How should the nurse manager reply to the statement?

The manager should respond to this question. As a matter of fact, evidence-based practice is not the synonym of research. The fundamental idea is to find out the optimal way of treatment and use the latest experience in order to reduce negative outcomes and significantly improve the process of treatment. Nurses will improve in the following spheres:

  1. Critical thinking;
  2. Decision making;
  3. Confidence;
  4. Adaptability;
  5. Clinical performance;
  6. Job satisfaction.

How might the ICU unit design an initiative to focus on interprofessional EBP?

ICU is believed to be a dynamic and stressful environment for the health care providers that need to be complemented with effective collaboration with other professionals in order to improve outcomes. Interprofessional cooperation in terms of EBP is significant for implementation. Research and evidence-based training initiatives are needed.

  • What professions other than nurses and physicians should be involved in this initiative in an ICU?

Every specialist who works in ICU should follow an evidence-based practice in order to improve the outcomes.

What is meaningful use?

According to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, there are three primary elements in meaningful use; among them are the following ones:

  1. The usage of the electronic medical record;
  2. Usage of digital technologies for the improvement of quality of care;
  3. Usage of the electronic medical record for clinical quality submission.

Meaningful use is centered on the usage of digital technologies for the health record in order to:

  1. Improve safety and quality of treatment;
  2. Engage the family into the process of treatment and rehabilitation;
  3. Secure the private information of a patient.

Meaningful use will result in:

  1. Improved outcomes;
  2. Transparency;
  3. Efficiency.

Meaningful use outlines specific goals that health care providers should accomplish. There are three stages of meaningful use, namely.

  1. 2011-2012 – data capturing;
  2. 2014 – advance clinical process;
  3. 2016 – improved outcomes (Trotter & Uhlman, 2013).

Why are the questions that the team members ask important?

The questions that the team members ask are important for consideration and analysis because the employees aim to understand how a system works and what implications it is going to have on their working process. A lot of people are afraid of changes, and thus, all the questions should be addressed. The errors of the system and difficulties in accessing electronic medical records are considered to be matters of concern, and thus, the information should be provided in order to prove that advantages overweight disadvantages.

How might meaningful use affect what the task force does?

Reports and reviews are essential in order to prove that the system is beneficial for the working process. Computerization of the health care system is an integral element of the progress (Trotter & Uhlman, 2013). In a digital era, people should use all the benefits of technologies that can improve the quality of care. Meaningful use will influence the task force in a way that people who perform review will need to compare the standards to the processes that happen in hospital after implementation of the system.


Logani, S., Green, A., & Gasperino, J. (2011). Benefits of high-intensity intensive care unit physician staffing under the Affordable Care Act. Critical Care Research and Practice, 2011, 1-7.

Trotter, F., & Uhlman, D. (2013). Hacking healthcare: A Guide to standards, workflows, and meaningful use. Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, December 2). Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use. https://studycorgi.com/evidenced-based-nursing-and-the-meaningful-use/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use." December 2, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/evidenced-based-nursing-and-the-meaningful-use/.


StudyCorgi. "Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use." December 2, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/evidenced-based-nursing-and-the-meaningful-use/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Evidenced-Based Nursing and the Meaningful Use." December 2, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/evidenced-based-nursing-and-the-meaningful-use/.

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