Family Counseling: Triggers and Reactions

Family counseling can be described as a process by which professionals can help navigate patients in their healing and understanding of their feelings. In this regard, my role as a family counselor is to identify the issues and find the emotional triggers and reactions to specific actions of others. For example, in conversation with the patients, I can present such situations with criticism, betrayal, rejection, and loss of control to see the individual’s biggest challenges and triggers. However, there are specific characteristics that every family counselor needs to possess, including problem resolution and relationship restoration.

As an effective family counselor, I would like to have the ability to find resolutions to any conflict. Moreover, improving my skills as an efficient relationship builder might be beneficial. In the first situation, it must be recognized that some disputes might be extremely difficult to settle due to the lack of desire of one party to make compromises or acknowledge the issue (Jones-Smith, 2019). As a family counselor, I am responsible for finding the right approach for every patient and navigating this process, providing them with recommendations and possible solutions. Furthermore, being an effective relationship builder can also be a complicated process. Therefore, I need to find techniques to build or restore respect and trust between parties.

Lastly, when it comes to my emotional reactivity and characteristics in developing a foundation as a family counselor, it can be described as a steady process. I believe that my empathic nature helps me understand my patients better. Moreover, I think that my skills regarding emotional reactivity have intensified since I strive to remain objective, listen carefully to the clients and pay attention to every detail.


Jones-Smith, E. (2019). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy: An integrative approach. Sage Publications.

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