Family Health Assessment: Lifestyle and Dynamics


The Lopez family is a Latino family living in the United States and was selected for this assignment. The members of the family agreed to participate in the interview and answer rather personal questions related to their family structure and health. This family consists of the mother, Maria, and her three children, Luis (age 15), Juan (age 11), and Isabel (age 8). Maria is a single mother and works as a housekeeper to support her family; she is of Mexican heritage and identifies as Catholic. The Lopez family shows strengths in their health patterns despite financial barriers, and applying family systems theory can improve their overall health outcomes.

Interview with the Lopez family

The Lopez family places great value on health and well-being, which is guided by their Catholic faith. They prioritize a healthy lifestyle by maintaining a balanced diet, ensuring adequate sleep, and engaging in physical activities. Their approach to nutrition involves meal planning that incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. They do not follow specific dietary restrictions but prefer limiting processed and high-fat foods. The family ensures they get enough rest by prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule, avoiding screen time before bed, and creating a comfortable sleeping environment. On average, they get 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

They enjoy staying active through outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and soccer. They make time for physical activity by incorporating it into their daily routine. The family communicates openly and shows their love and support for each other through actions such as spending quality time together, helping each other with daily tasks, and offering emotional support during difficult times. Maria also tries to discuss openly and honestly with her children about sex and relationships. Their primary coping strategies include seeking support from family and friends, engaging in physical activities, and prayer. They support each other during difficult times by offering a listening ear, words of encouragement, and helping with daily tasks. Two functional health pattern strengths noted in the findings were nutrition and sleep/rest patterns. Three areas in which health problems or barriers were identified include stress, a lack of financial resources, and access to healthcare.

Application of Family Systems Theory

Family systems theory can be applied to the Lopez family to bring about positive changes in the family’s overall functioning. This theory proposes that the family is a system of interconnected parts, and any change to one part can affect the entire system (Malik 2020). Therefore, Maria can change her behavior, such as finding ways to reduce stress, such as meditation, to promote better sleep and overall health (Schwartz & Goldsmith 2019). This can lead to positive changes in the entire family system (Bortz et al., 2019). Family systems theory can also be used to help family members understand each other’s roles and how they contribute to the overall functioning of the family (Eppler, 2019). By fostering open communication and understanding within the family, the entire system can work together to achieve positive changes.


In conclusion, the Lopez family values health and well-being, despite facing financial barriers. They prioritize a healthy lifestyle, maintain a balanced diet, and engage in physical activities. The family also communicates openly and supports each other during difficult times. Although the family faces challenges, such as stress and financial barriers, family systems theory can be applied to improve their overall functioning. By fostering open communication and understanding within the family, the entire system can work together to achieve positive changes.


Bortz, P., Berrigan, M., VanBergen, A., & Gavazzi, S. M. (2019). Family systems thinking as a guide for theory integration: Conceptual overlaps of differentiation, attachment, parenting style, and identity development in families with adolescents. Journal of Family Theory & Review, 11(4), 544-560. Web.

Eppler, C. (2019). Ecosystem in family systems theory. Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy, 828-832. Web.

Malik, N. (2020). Family systems theory. In Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine (pp. 855-856). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Web.

Schwartz, R., & Goldsmith, J. (2019). Internal family systems in family therapy. Encyclopedia of Couple and Family Therapy, 1575-1580. Web.

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