Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions

The current project is devoted to the use of educational behavioral interventions in the management of obesity. Problems with weight may lead to serious clinical and public health issues, and it is important to promote health behavior change to achieve positive results and predict the progress of complications. One of the possible methods to improve the research project in this field is to apply appropriate theories and models. The ideas developed by Dorothy Johnson, Dorothea Orem, and Jean Watson deserve attention as all of them have a similar identification of health as a unity of physiological, social, and emotional factors. In addition, their theories successfully guide nursing practice and education by generating new ideas.

Johnson’s behavior system model aims at assessing patients and evaluating the effectiveness of the chosen intervention, in this case, the impact of behavioral education on obesity management. Its strength is the possibility to address different behaviors and generalize them to achieve a particular goal and predict stagnation (“Dorothy Johnson,” n.d.). Although its application with families and communities is limited, personal evaluations can be strengthened. In comparison, Orem’s theory makes it possible to develop a new perspective on the same problem at individual and community levels (“Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory,” n.d.). The benefits of this approach include the combination of self-care and nursing practice and the improvement of cooperation between nurses and patients. However, poor attention to emotional needs remains a serious theoretical limitation. Finally, Watson’s science of caring proves the importance of nurse support in patient care. Its main advantage is the implementation of carative factors like problem-solving for decision-making or interpersonal teaching-learning (“Watson’s philosophy and science of caring,” n.d.). Despite a list of clear tasks for nurses, this theory does not specify the directions to complete tasks. This limitation cannot be ignored in developing educational interventions in nursing.

In general, these theories may be applied to the current project either in conjunction or separately. Johnson’s theory is necessary to identify a system within which educational behaviors will be discussed. Orem’s theory is effective in distributing personal knowledge and attitudes toward care. Watson’s theory can be used to establish trusting relationships between all participants. Such theoretical background will allow the researcher to identify all aspects of managing obesity in the population.


Dorothy Johnson – Nursing theorist. (n.d.). Nursing Theory. Web.

Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory. (n.d.). Nursing Theory. Web.

Watson’s philosophy and science of caring. (n.d.). Nursing Theory. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2024, February 9). Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-management-educational-behavioral-interventions/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions." February 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-management-educational-behavioral-interventions/.


StudyCorgi. "Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions." February 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-management-educational-behavioral-interventions/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "Obesity Management: Educational Behavioral Interventions." February 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/obesity-management-educational-behavioral-interventions/.

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