Mental Disorder in the Community

Mental disorders can be averted through disease prevention and ensuring high-quality treatments are accessible to everyone. The capacity for cognitive performance is a measure of mental well-being. A person’s capacity to engage in a community and their ability to have close personal interactions with their relatives and friends depend on their emotional stability. A mental disorder is a medical ailment that manifests as changes in thought, feeling or behavior that is distressing and hinder functionality. Some mental health issues influence suffering and disability. Therefore, this essay discusses psychological conditions and its effects, mitigation procedures, correlation to other sicknesses, and the importance of trauma informed care.

Minimizing the Percentage of Adults with Disabilities and Mental Distress

The NHIS gathers data through in-person interviews on various health-related subjects, such as medical insurance, doctor appointments, physical exercise, and other healthy behaviors. The data gathered is used to monitor the health of the American people, access to medical care, and development of national health goals. Studies show that people with disabilities are less likely to obtain the preventive healthcare they require to be healthy (U.S Department of Health and Human Service, 2023). Improving the well-being of people with disabilities requires inexpensive healthcare approaches. Making residences, schools, businesses, and public areas more easily accessible can assist individuals who are handicapped to lead happier conditions and have more diverse perspectives. Adults with disabilities report less psychological discomfort after receiving interventions like depression screenings, counselling, social protection, and society physical activity initiatives to help reduce psychological distress.

Increase the Percentage of Houses with Step-Free Entrances

In the United States, there are various causes of unintentional injuries. Regrettably, falling is the leading cause of mental health disorders (U.S Department of Health, 2018). Hence, it is essential to create residences and residential structures without steps at the entry. In addition, living in or visiting these homes is significantly more straightforward for those who use mobility equipment like wheelchairs or crutches. The best approach to influence how homes are built is to raise awareness of the benefits of entryways without ramps. (American Health Department, 2018). Therefore, this initiative will help reduce falls, reducing mental health disorders associated with fall injuries.

Helping Community Move towards the Objectives

As a nurse, I would assist the public in achieving these goals by providing follow-up care for individuals already impacted, organizing community initiatives to promote mental health wellness, and raising public awareness of the effects of mental diseases. By utilizing a variety of resources in the community, I take the lead in establishing and adopting a comprehensive inter sectoral strategy for the prevention of mental disorders.

Correlation between Physical and Mental Health

There are fundamental connections between physical and mental wellness. A broad range of severe chronic diseases is more common in those with major mental illnesses. Conversely, those with long-term physical health problems experience worry and despair twice as often as the general population. Co-occurring mental and physical illnesses can be harmful to health, reduce quality of life, and lengthen the duration of illnesses (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). Due to decreased work productivity and a rise in the utilization of healthcare services, his circumstance also has an economic and societal impact. Understanding the relationships between the brain and body is the initial stage in advancing methods to minimize co-occurring disorders and assist individuals with psychiatric conditions and severe medical difficulties. An individual’s mental and physical health are correlated with one another.

A patient’s overall condition can have various effects on their mental condition. A person with good physical health is less likely to encounter distress, which can help with their mental health. The physical and psychological well-being of a person is related. For instance, a person with good mental health is likelier to practice good physical health, like exercising and eating well. An individual with good mental health is also less likely to be stressed out, which can result in more excellent physical health.

Modifications in physical and emotional functions and social aspects like wages and accommodation affect the brain and the physical body. It may be more probable for someone who suffers from persistent mental or physical disability to acquire a recurring mental disorder due to illness and psychosocial health system component. Due to their illness and medication, people with psychiatric problems might acquire a variety of physical problems. Several antidepressants can have side effects include body mass and a rapid heartbeat, and mental illnesses can affect hormone levels and sleep patterns (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). Increased susceptibility to several physical illnesses results from these factors.

How Chronic Pain can Lead to Mental Health Breakdown

A medical condition called chronic pain might cause a mental health emergency. Permanent pain is constant agony that last for more than two months. Persistent pain is a common symptom of several diseases, including migraines, rheumatism, endometriosis, and osteoarthritis. (2021 Clinic). Feelings of pessimism, worry, and insomnia can be brought on by chronic pain. Moreover, it may cause a reduction in activity and an increase in the usage of painkillers. Chronic stress is a result of chronic pain, hence, it can have a substantial influence on your mood and feelings. The body reacts to pain by generating several stress hormones and neuromodulators. Therefore, this may lead to depression and anxiety, which makes it much harder to control attitude and conduct.

Trauma Informed Care

A strategy for healthcare known as ‘trauma informed care’ is founded on the knowledge that several people have gone through trauma at some point in their lives. It is also predicated on the notion that, with the proper assistance and care, these effects of trauma can be lessened and sometimes even reversed (Fredla, 2018). The notion of trauma-informed treatment takes into account the potential that persons who have been through a traumatic event are more likely to suffer from a variety of physical and mental health concerns. It also emphasizes that trauma survivors are more prone to participate in risky behavior such as drug addiction (Orchard Place, 2019). Individuals who have experienced trauma can recover from such experiences with trauma-informed care. It is also intended to aid in averting future trauma. Many therapies, including individualized and group counselling, are a part of trauma-informed care. Furthermore, it entails developing a secure and encouraging atmosphere on a physical and emotional level.

Utilizing Trauma Informed Care on a Patient

As a nurse, I can identify trauma symptoms, provide a secure and encouraging atmosphere, and use trauma-sensitive treatment to assist a kid who has experienced trauma. I can better identify kids who could be having trouble after trauma if I am conscious of the signs and indicators. I may foster a secure and encouraging atmosphere by maintaining a steady presence, offering regularity and structure, and upholding appropriate limits. In addition, I can employ trauma-sensitive techniques such as music therapy, relaxation techniques, or talk counselling.


Mental disorder long standing problem that has not gotten enough attention. It may be challenging to comprehend mental wellness, which frequently goes unnoticed.. It is crucial for people suffering from anxiety and depression to get expert help. In addition, it is necessary to understand that the individual with the mental disorder, their family members, and the community require assistance. Hence, support is needed for the community and the person with the mental disease.


Clinic, C. (2021). Chronic pain: Symptoms, treatments. Cleveland Clinic. Web.

Fredla. (2018). Resources on trauma informed care. Web.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2017). For people with mental health problems | Web.

National Institute of Mental Health. (2017). NIMH» mental health information. Web.

Orchard Place. (2019). Trauma informed care. Web.

U.S Department of Health and Human Service. (2023). Search healthy people – healthy people 2030 | Web.

U.S Department of Health. (2018). Housing and homes – healthy people 2030 | Web.

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