Fast Food Nation: Annotated Bibliography

Blake, Christine, et al. “Elaborating the Science of Food Choice for Rapidly Changing Food Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries.” Global Food Security, vol. 28, 2021.

Researchers consider the interaction of changing the food environment to food choice. The authors of the article are members of the Department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior of the University of South Carolina. This study helps to understand the interaction between various environmental factors that shape food choice, which is important for considering the determinants of consumer behavior.

Herman, Peter, et al. Social Influences on Eating. Springer International Publishing, 2019.

The book examines the influence of the social environment on food choices, and also explores how unconsciously it may occur. The authors of the book are members of the Department of Psychology at the University of Toronto who specialize in healthy eating and weight issues. This book allows to consider a wider range of potential factors influencing food choices, as well as to consider the problem from different angles.

Powell, Patricia, et al. “Food Choices of Young Adults in the United States of America: A Scoping Review.” Advances in Nutrition, vol. 10, no. 3, 2019, pp. 479-488.

The authors of this study examined various factors that influence the food choice of young people aged 19-24 in the United States. The researchers are current members of the School of Public Health Australia, as well as academic staff of the University of Queensland. The resource can contribute to the identification of the main factors influencing food choice in order to further consider them in more detail.

Wongprawmas, Rungsaran, et al. “Food Choice Determinants and Perceptions of a Healthy Diet among Italian Consumers.” Foods, vol. 10, no. 2, 2021.

In this study, the authors examine the determinants of food choice among Italian consumers. The researchers are current members of the Department of Food and Drug of the University of Parma. This study allows to identify less obvious factors influencing food choice and consider their potential applicability to the United States. Additionally, the source helps to understand the broader context of food choice determinants to compare global and local patterns.

Zepeda, Lydia. Bad Choices in Our Food System. Cambridge Scholars Publisher, 2021.

The book explores how the food system, including relevant policies in the US, influences consumer food choices. The author is Professor Emerita of Consumer Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the USA and also holds a PhD and MS in Agricultural Economics from the University of California at Davis. This resource is extremely useful for looking at the structural factors that influence consumer behavior.

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