Role of Feminist Organizations in Advancing Women’s Rights and Status

Women’s rights

From the poster, the rights of women have been violated since their body parts are displayed, which, in most cases, is against the wishes and desires of many women. Advertising companies have always used women’s pictures since the public, especially men, would be interested in buying such products. For instance, in the poster provide, a woman is shown displaying her breasts meaning that she is in charge of what is happening in the movie.

This would attract many men since they would be interested to watch somebody parts of a woman. On their part, women feel embarrassed since the poster portrays them as weak creatures in the world. In other words, the poster means that women exist only to be viewed but not to be heard. In essence, their main purpose is to please men or to increase sales that are usually shared unequally. Due to this, women have come out strongly to oppose this act of behavior.

Women consider such ways discriminatory since physical differences between women and men are used by society and culture to show that women are always allocated inferior and degrading activities such as motherhood, secretary, advertisers, passengers, and caretakers of homes. Furthermore, the poster indicates that women are subjugated to stereotypes, which portray them as weak and emotionally dependent on men. From the picture, it is evident that women are ascribed specific feminine qualities and identity through socialization so that throughout, women live in a state of false consciousness.

Feminist organizations

The poster shows that the rights of women are never respected in society since they are supposed to be under men and to please them forever. In the poster, a woman is portrayed carrying a flag, which means that women are always forced to carry burdens that they did not participate in creating. For instance, women are supposed to bring up children even when the man is not available. The issue of gender is therefore a societal creation, meaning that it does not originate from the intrinsic factor.

Since men are excused from childbearing responsibilities, they find themselves in advantaged positions to oppress and dominate women. This is what feminism tries to address. Cultural beliefs support a social structure that puts men in dominant positions hence from early childhood a child is socialized to accept traditional gender roles as natural and just. Just like in the poster, feminist scholars consider women to be proletariat while men are the bourgeoisie, who own the means of production such as knowledge, raw materials, and tools.

Men also control other social variables such as education, religion, and employment. In the labor market, men are given powerful positions such as accountants, financial analysts, and chief executives. Women are always discriminated against while their bodies are used for advertisements, as witnessed in the above poster. Regarding religion, women are not treated equally since they are treated in the same way as Satan. The bible does not give the relationship between a woman and God but only mentions women through men. Currently, religious organizations rarely employ women in senior managerial roles. In some religions, such as Catholic, women are not ordained to be priests. In the economic fronts, women are incorporated as underdogs.


Feminism is a branch of knowledge that seeks to revise the existing societal structure to incorporate women in each aspect. Feminist organizations have achieved a lot but much needs to be done to achieve women’s status in society. Currently, it is illegal to force a woman to have sex without his or her consent. The law is very tight on that and it has given women an advantage as far as their rights are concerned.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 20). Role of Feminist Organizations in Advancing Women’s Rights and Status.

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