First Nations and Colonialism Dismantling


The Coast Salish Peoples originally inhabited the areas where I live, in particular the Tulalip, Snohomish, Stillaguamish, and Sauk-Suiattle Tribes. Their tribal villages were situated in the area around contemporary Surrey and Vancouver B. C. These are the first nations that are indigenous to British Columbia and came under the Indian Act, becoming reservations for further assimilation as most of the tribes (Jobin and Riddle 2019).


However, the Squamish tribe, for example, retains and remembers its cultural values and customs. It is currently governed by elected councilors, who are appointed for four years. Together with the Lilwat Nation, the Squamish opened an important cultural center in Whistler that includes a museum and art exhibitions. Furthermore, in 2010, this nation was one of four actively involved in organizing and hosting the Vancouver Winter Olympics.

My introduction to the area stems from my parent’s decision to settle in the area after moving from India. Until then, I had not yet formed a relationship with the area and its history. However, now that I am older, I have become interested in the history of my people and my cultural background. With that comes the realization that I do not know enough about the history of the territories that have become my homeland. Now I am rediscovering my self-identity and beginning to develop a relationship with the history of the area where I live, including all the Indigenous peoples. Sooner or later, people grow up and come to the idea that it is essential to know the history of their land and the individuals who inhabit it and pass that knowledge on to their descendants.


In conclusion, the most critical step toward decolonization is the development of a public cultural intelligence index. Canada is a tolerant and multicultural state, which includes the aid and support of the First Nations. To combat colonialism, it is necessary to value indigenous knowledge and to promote familiarity, study, and respect for indigenous cultures in educational institutions at all levels (Nadeau 2020). The support of governmental and non-governmental organizations in restoring the cultural heritage of the Native people, such as tribal history or language, likewise contributes to the process of decolonization.


Jobin, Shalene, and Emily Riddle. 2019. The Rise of the First Nations Land Management Regime in Canada: A Critical Analysis. Toronto: Yellowhead Institute.

Nadeau, Denise M. 2020. Unsettling Spirit: A Journey into Decolonization. Quebec: McGill-Queen’s Press-MQUP.

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