Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as the Most Outstanding American Presidents


Not only American people but also the rest of the world recognized Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as most outstanding American presidents. People derived such reputation based on positive services committed by Roosevelt and Reagan.FDR and Reagan stood at the heart of United States’ celebrities; they brought social change in America into a fresh interaction with the left wing. Roosevelt became an icon personality for egalitarians while Reagan supported libertarians; they were optimistic leaders. Both leaders identified social problems in American and adopted corrective measures to address the challenges. Their differences depended on the nature of social challenges rather than human nature. Roosevelt initiated social reforms that addressed economic crisis and the Great Depression. Reagan used diplomacy to solve social issues. Both leaders employed ingenuity to generate social reforms in the society. This paper analyzed how Reagan’s presidential bid signaled changes in the society established by Roosevelt. The paper concluded that Reagan adopted Roosevelt’s mode of leadership.

New Deal Attainment

FDR enacted Emergency Banking Act (EBA) to regulate banking transactions in the country. Roosevelt created employment opportunities in the society so that people should not to rely on relief and charitable services. Public work services brought development (such as construction of roads, school, hospitals, airports, etc) in the country; this provided psychological boost to job seekers. Roosevelt instilled environmental programs through preservation and maintenance of environment, game parks, beaches etc. social programs empowered people to be independent and reliable, thus enhanced their self esteem. FDR terminated the sale of ethnic lands, and reinstated possession of unallocated land to indigenous American civilians. Roosevelt prohibited child labor and supported farmers. Development of hydroelectric power projects produced affordable electric power that facilitated recreational opportunities.

Roosevelt became the only American President to be elected for four times in his tenure. FDR saved United States from severe crises of the Second World War and Great Depression. Roosevelt enhanced domestic protection and political freedom to U.S citizens. Since FDR became elected president, America prospered for long time; he achieved a New Deal that developed economic affairs of the nation. American citizens beloved FDR and elected him four times as America president. Only death removed Roosevelt from presidency; he died when American economic affairs boomed for many generations. Roosevelt became one of the most preferred American presidents who developed influential and enormous governing coalition. FDR focused to unite all political parties to shun divisive cultural matters like KKK and religion. Besides that, President Johnson Lyndon established the Great Society after Kennedy’s murder in his intention to pursue task of the assassinated President. New deal achievement during Roosevelt’s leadership influenced President Johnson B. Lyndon to form a domestic program of the Great Society in 1960s. The Great Society focused to eradicate racial injustice and poverty, and to solve transportation, medical care, urban, and education challenges.

Reagan Ronald and 1980 Election

America experienced difficult moment of high interest and inflation rates, discontinuous energy crisis, and low economic development during 1970s. Many people speculated about downfall of the country. People accused Carter Jimmy (American democrat president) to have contributed to the Iran hostage predicament. The prolonged calamity of Iranian hostage influenced public opinion about the downfall of American economy. Jimmy’s critics perceived him as an incompetent principal who failed to resolve the worsening economic challenges in the nation. However, Carter’s supporters defended him as a competent leader.

Jimmy’s supporters felt that critics blamed Carter Jimmy for meaningless reasons because the Iran catastrophic hostage had been growing for several years. Being an election period in 1980, many presidential candidates campaigned for their presidential bid across the country. Reagan Ronald, the republican candidate, accused Carter Jimmy to be responsible over the worsening American economy, and for unresolved Iran hostage calamity. Many American citizens supported Reagan Ronald’s presidential bid. Reagan, eventually, won presidential election; thus became the fortieth American president during 1980 election. The election manifested the commencement of what famously termed as the Reagan Revolution.

Reagan Ronald’s Contribution

Reagan pledged a restoration of the country’s military force. Reagan brought back economic prowess through use of the Supply-Side Economic Strategy. Reagan developed a balanced budget that terminated inflation within 3 years. Ronald also planned to reduce 30% tax rate within three years. Regan condemned the “Windfall Profit Tax” which Jimmy Carte introduced for the local oil production. Reagan claimed that the Windfall Profit Tax never taxed business gains (profit), but on variation between market value and price control.

Reagan promoted equality in gender related issues. Ronald promised to cooperate with all State Governors to enhance equality; he planned to enact federal legislation that would favor everybody in the society. People condemned Jimmy Carter for not restoring the economic situation in the country. Though, Carter Jimmy disapproved Reagan’s economy restoration strategy, he did not develop an impressive plan to recover American economy. Reagan planned for recreational projects to be promoted in the local communities and States; he aimed to use tax resources to fund such programs to people. Ronald Reagan supported adoption of states’ rights that gave political authority to the American State governments unlike the federal government. Reagen expected to initiate development programs at private and community levels. Ronald Reagan claimed that former regime distorted the government economic balance through investing much power to the federal constitution. Reagan focused to rejuvenate local and State governments. However, Jimmy Carter criticized Reagan for fueling racism and ethnicity by emphasizing for States’ rights.

Ronald emphasized to support urban renewal. Nevertheless, democrats condemned Reagan over claims that trees contribute pollution. Ronald responded that he only referred to certain pollutions; he claimed that his comments had been misquoted. Jimmy Carter did not succeed in his presidential bid because American citizens faulted Carter’s administration for failure to restore high interest and inflation rates, Iran hostage predicament, unemployment, and fragile economy.The calamity in Iran showed the inability of United States to instill peace and order in the world; people blamed Carter’s administration for reluctance.

Ronald Reagan emphasized politics which stressed personal freedom. Regan developed military force and American economy. Ronald also managed to terminate the Cold War. Reagan brought revolution in the American economy, thus people termed the endorsed economic strategies in 1981as Reaganomics. Ronald aimed to promote entrepreneurship while minimizing social spending. Reagan excelled in political commitment that enabled him to triumph in the second presidential election during 1985. Reagan Ronald, therefore, established reputable historical remarks in America.


Reagan spearheaded the New Deal introduced by Roosevelt; both leaders embraced social reforms. In 1932, Reagan voted for Roosevelt; he identified Roosevelt’s New Deal and followed Roosevelt’s footsteps. Reagan perceived that social problems could be resolved in the similar way Roosevelt solved the Second World War and Great Depression. Reagan emulated FDR’s attitude of governance; both leaders became instrumental figures in America. Reagan and Roosevelt brought optimism when America’s economy downsized.

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StudyCorgi. (2022, March 21). Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan as the Most Outstanding American Presidents.

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