Liberalist, Feminist, and Anti-Racist Movements


Indigenous activists have long been on the front lines of global issues, whether defending human rights or maintaining the sanctity of many ethnicities. The effects of colonialism have put Indigenous peoples on the back burner regarding representation and accessibility. Some governments fight and oppress them due to their lack of understanding of what these movements stand for. Activists fight for gender equality and women’s rights while ensuring that everyone is treated with respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs, which will be the focus of this paper’s research.

The Need for Indigenous Movements to Work towards Reconciliation

It is necessary to maintain the belief that settler colonialism was a terrible thing that occurred in the past but has since been abolished. Long-standing structures of settler colonialism against Native Americans continue to oppress the country’s indigenous population (Elliott 2018). Many have asked the federal government of people who are not affiliated with the government to consider adopting a broader definition of what it means to be reconciled to provide greater service to the general public. It is therefore essential for reconciliation to take place for the indigenous people to participate in activities that matter the most in their lives, such as politics, cultural activities, and the country’s social welfare.

Feminists Should Support Laws Banning Pornography

Due to the negative consequences that pornography has on women, children, and society as a whole, feminist organizations should advocate for legislation that makes the practice of pornography illegal. Certain types of pornography, such as pornography involving children, should be restricted and prohibited in ways that are possible. The government should regulate it because they do not have the resources to hunt down and track every single item of pornography. Women are the target of criticism in today’s culture as a direct result of the exposure of nude images on the Internet. Men tend to be less self-conscious about their nude pictures, even if such images are posted publicly. As a result, feminist organizations have a responsibility to support the federal government and pass laws prohibiting the viewing of pornographic material to protect the mental health of members of society’s sexual communities.

Anti-Racist Movement Should Seek to Move Policing More Effective and Equitable

The anti-racism movement ought to work toward making policing more effective by pressing for racial-based training for police officers in all local departments. It will help the movement achieve its goal of making policing fair. When confronted with complex legal matters, anti-racism organizations should advocate the establishment of procedures and safeguards, such as the mandate that law enforcement consult with various subject-matter experts before taking matters into their own hands. Before pronouncing judgment on the lawbreakers, the police need to give the accused a chance to tell their side of the story and listen to what they have to say. In addition, the use of the death penalty ought to be done away with, and in its place, rehabilitation facilities ought to be established to address these issues.

Feminist, Anti-racist, or Indigenous Activists Focus their Efforts on Changing State Policies and Laws

The purpose of liberal movements is to work with governments to change some of the policies and regulations that could harm the people living under those governments. These organizations play an important role in bringing people’s concerns to light and drawing attention to some of the laws that have loopholes (Locke 2022). As a result, it is of the utmost importance to guarantee that these organizations should be supported by every means possible to accomplish their goals, given that they have the people’s best interests at heart. It does not imply that governments devise policies to oppress the people under their control.

Reasons for Liberals to Expand the Welfare State

The provision of social amenities like health care, schools, and law enforcement are examples of how a welfare state gives the government the ability to meet the fundamental needs of its citizens. The primary goal of liberal movements is to work for a society in which the fundamental rights of every citizen are protected by their respective governments (Bhambra & Holmwood 2018). As a result of the state and liberal movements having the same objective, liberals ought to work toward expanding the welfare state and supporting the state in its mission to provide individuals with the most fundamental primary care. It would ensure that the concerns of many individuals would be handled by the state, ultimately leading to the realization of a healthy and peaceful nation. Another contentious subject that feminist movements are currently addressing is how women should balance parenthood and professional lives. Feminist organizations believe it is essential for women to be allowed time to raise their children, even though they advocate for equality in occupations and managerial positions. Feminist organizations believe it is essential to maintain equality in the workplace.


National governments should accept liberalism, feminism, and anti-racist movements to aid in the fight against atrocities inflicted on contemporary society due to prejudice and inequalities. These movements are instrumental in keeping the government in check and ensuring human rights are not violated. Their existence will aid each individual in attaining their full potential, thereby contributing to building a stronger nation with a focus on integrating its political, social, economic, and cultural components.


Bhambra, Gurminder K., and John Holmwood. “Colonialism, postcolonialism and the liberal welfare state.” New Political Economy 23, no. 5 (2018): 574-587. Web.

Elliott, Michael. “Indigenous resurgence: The drive for renewed engagement and reciprocity in the turn away from the state.” Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue canadienne de science politique 51, no. 1 (2018): 61-81. Web.

Locke, Jill. “Feminist Reflections on Childhood: A History and Call to Action. By Penny A. Weiss. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2021. 294p. 34.95 paper.” Perspectives on Politics 20, no. 1 (2022): 310-312. Web.

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